Bluntface Shiner is the husky Cyprinella.

2016 Southeastern Fishes Council Meeting Jackson, Mississippi
Posted 21 November 2016 - 11:49 PM
Chattanooga, near the TN Divide on BlueFishRidge overlooking South Chickamauga Creek.
Posted 22 November 2016 - 08:13 AM
Hey Casper. Who did the talk on the River Shrimp? I'd like to see their stuff. BG got me some once and I have never forgotten them. Donated them to the Toledo Zoo when we moved. Would like to work with this species.
Posted 22 November 2016 - 08:30 AM
Hey Casper. Who did the talk on the River Shrimp? I'd like to see their stuff. BG got me some once and I have never forgotten them. Donated them to the Toledo Zoo when we moved. Would like to work with this species.
1 University of Central Arkansas, Department of Biology
2 US Fish and Wildlife Service, Conway Field Office, Arkansas
The Ohio shrimp (Macrobrachium ohione) is amphidromous, where a marine environment is required for early juvenile development, but other life stages are completed in freshwater. In the Mississippi River system, upriver adult habitat historically included the Ohio River and Upper Mississippi River, but abundance has reportedly declined, particularly upriver of Louisiana. Migration has been hypothesized to be impacted by dams and channel flow alterations. Current distribution, abundance, and life history of Ohio shrimp are relatively unknown upriver of Louisiana. We collected shrimp monthly, beginning in March 2016, with wire-meshed traps deployed at three sites along the mainstem Mississippi River and at sites in the Lower Arkansas, White, and St. Francis rivers. Age-0 to age-2 shrimp were collected routinely at study sites on the Mississippi River; however, study reaches within tributaries varied seasonally for catches of age-0 shrimp. Total catch drastically increased during late May/early June (20.5 – 25.4 oC), peaked during late June/July (30 oC), and declined during August/September. Preliminary examination of shrimp collected at McAllie Access on the Mississippi River in July suggests sex ratios of migrants varied with size/age class. Age-0 migrants (TL range 21.8 – 43.3 mm) were female-skewed (370 females: 202 males), whereas older shrimp, apparently continuing their upstream migration, were male-skewed (5 females: 35 males). Migration of age-0 shrimp was further than 600 river kilometers from the Gulf of Mexico, and preliminary data suggest a number of older Ohio shrimp, primarily males and inexplicably some females, continue to move upriver after their first overwintering. Despite declines from historic densities, Ohio shrimp likely remain important components of food webs in the lower Mississippi River and its tributaries.
Posted 22 November 2016 - 08:57 AM
Thanks, Ryan! Very cool!
Posted 22 November 2016 - 09:09 AM
Does anyone have contact info for any of these authors of the Ohio Shrimp study:
Geoffry Spooner
Lindsey Lewis
Reid Adams
Posted 23 November 2016 - 03:46 PM
Thanks for the report and photos guys. Looks like it was a good time.
Posted 24 November 2016 - 02:08 PM
Jealous, jealous again...
"No thanks, a third of a gopher would merely arouse my appetite..."
Posted 28 November 2016 - 11:40 AM
Bullhead Minnows as confirmed. No Clear Chubs supposedly as told by Matt the man of knowledge.
Irate Martin, though you be disappointed, as relayed by the wondrous house mother, we were focused on the SFC meeting. You may have enjoyed it though your pockets would have been emptied. Lots of fellow fish minded folks. As for post activities which included fine dinin, we were generally in flux with the seiners wishes which changed at moments notices and yet 2 and then 3 were determined for cold water snorkeling the following day of which you would have not been immersed against your will. Organize another MS trip. I am keen on a Snail Darter Survey way in the MS northern edge this Spring and a return southward for spawnings among the Strong.
Edited by Casper, 28 November 2016 - 11:42 AM.
Chattanooga, near the TN Divide on BlueFishRidge overlooking South Chickamauga Creek.
Posted 28 November 2016 - 11:59 AM
Bullhead Minnows as confirmed. No Clear Chubs supposedly as told by Matt the man of knowledge.
Irate Martin, though you be disappointed, as relayed by the wondrous house mother, we were focused on the SFC meeting. You may have enjoyed it though your pockets would have been emptied. Lots of fellow fish minded folks. As for post activities which included fine dinin, we were generally in flux with the seiners wishes which changed at moments notices and yet 2 and then 3 were determined for cold water snorkeling the following day of which you would have not been immersed against your will. Organize another MS trip. I am keen on a Snail Darter Survey way in the MS northern edge this Spring and a return southward for spawnings among the Strong.
Yeah! I wanna see Percina lenticula!
Posted 28 November 2016 - 09:33 PM
I didnt post these before, because I didnt like the way the photos turned out... but I think there definitely were clear chubs there... these photos look like Hybopsis to me.
Posted 11 December 2016 - 10:42 PM
Yeah those are clear chubs but the in stream photo further back was a group of bullhead minnows. Sure was a nice surprise to run into Michael and Casper at the meeting and get out in the water for a little bit with them after the meeting the last day. I brought three students/coworkers with me to the meeting from Ohio too and we made a couple stops in KY on Saturday on our way back too. I'll try to add a bit about those stops in here too...
Brian J. Zimmerman
Gambier, Ohio - Kokosing River Drainage
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