
Rainbow darters (correct me if I'm wrong) by the dozens

Also ?emerald shiner and bluntnose minnow

Next area was just upstream in a vegetated pool, lots of algae growth and low flow right now.

Lots of diversity here.
Longear sunfish


?golden redhorse


Blackstripe topminnow

Western mosquitofish-probably the most common fish in this stream

Largemouth bass

Shiner not sure what type ?blacktail

Minnow not sure on this either but very abundant

I then drove a couple miles upstream near the headwaters. This area occasionally dries up completely aside from a few pools which I sampled. Some typical headwater species from what I've read.

Creek chub- saw some fairly large ones in spite of really shallow conditions

Green sunfish

Yellow bullhead

?blackstripe/Blackspotted topminnow hybrid

?Redfin shiner - has some black specks on it so I wondered about this. Not sure though

Feel free to chime in on the above as I am far from an expert and not sure on the ID of all of these. Every fish was immediately released except the warmouth who is going to find a home in a 60 gallon tank I am acquiring shortly. Right he is thinning out the gambusia in my patio pond quite nicely.