Walleye, Perch, Crappies and a few Musky return this week. Get your order in. Quantities are limited. Smallmouth are in stock.
New Stock:
Golden Redbreast Sunfish 1-2” $10.00
Orangethroat Darter
Savannah Darter
Blackbanded Darter
Red Shiner, Cyprinella lutrensis
Southern Redbelly Dace
River Chub
Blacknose Dace
Speckled Madtom
Bluespotted Sunfish
Orangespotted Sunfish $16.00
Rockbass 1”
Redspotted Sunfish 1”
Green Sunfish 1”
Dollar Sunfish Western 1”
Dollar Sunfish Eastern 2-3”
Bluegill 2-4
Hybrid Bluegill, Lepomis macrochirus x cyanellus
Redear Sunfish 3-4”
Smallmouth Bass 3-5” $30.00
Largemouth Bass 3”
Peacock Bass
Leptolucania ommata
Characodon lateralis Los Berros
Zoogoneticus tequila
Xenotoca eiseni Rio Compostela
Xenotoca sp Etzatlan Ameca/Magdelena Basin 2014
Poecilopsis gracilus, Porthole Livebearer
Xiphophorus continens
Xiphophorus maculatus, Peppered Platy
Limia vittata
Elassoma okefenokee
Elassoma zonatum
Elassoma evergladei
Rainbow Shiner, Notropis chrosomus $10.00
Blackbanded Darter
Wild Goldfish
River Chub
Freshwater Tarpon, Megalops cyprinoides $30.00
Logperch $7.00
Brown Bullhead
Black Bullhead 1”
Yellow Bullhead 1”
Tadpole Madtom 1”
Margined Madtom 1”
Speckled Madtom 2”
Cambarellus diminutus, Dwarf Crayfish $8.00
Fundulus confluentus
Fundulus lineolatus
Fundulus dispar
These are in addition to what is listed on our web site: http://jonahsaquariu...te/fishlist.htm