On Friday, November 25th, Fritz and I met up with Tim to explore the Lynches River and surrounding waterbodies.We had a few sites in mind that Tim and Dustin had collected from on another trip, and combined them with Fritz's data points from the 80's, and came up with an itinerary. Being Thanksgiving weekend, we all came from different parts of the state, and met at a gas station in Rockingham, NC.
From there we car pooled to our first location, Campbell Lake, near Patrick, SC. https://goo.gl/maps/4HHt5prgBnn
Our main target here was to find lake chubsuckers, Erimyzon sucetta. Due to the knee to waist deep mud discovered on the bottom of this lake, seining was not a viable option, and we resorted to dipnets.
In the end we managed bluespotted sunfish, lined topminnow, everglades pygmy sunfish, sawcheek darter, and black banded sunfish.
Our next site was a 5 minute drive around the corner. It was a swampy area, with a surprising amount of flow, and quite a bit of SAV considering how late in the year it was. This site was absolutely loaded with pirate perch, with a few bluegill, everglades pygmy sunfish, eastern mudminnow, swampfish, blackbanded sunfish, lined topminnow, flier, and no doubt a few others that I am forgetting.
I did not photograph anything except the flier here, as the rest were already duplicates.