Hey fellow NANFA'ers -
I've been a member of NANFA on and off for awhile, I used to post here about aquariums quite a bit, but haven't posted in a long time.
I got into microfishing a few years ago and it kind of culminated in a trip through the Ozarks with Ryan C. and Ben C. where I ended up at the NANFA convention in Tahlequah. It was great time and I enjoyed meeting some of the frequent posters to this site. Ever since I’ve been meaning to post a microfishing report…..
Right after the election I had the chance to go to North Carolina near Rutherfordton. Despite the drought and forest fires I managed to catch a few fish and really had a great time in a nice part of the world. I thought I'd post a report and I was hoping to get some ID help as there seems to be some real expertise on this site with regard to fishes in the Broad River.
The first day I got there I was itching to get on the water and we went to a public access spot on the Broad River proper. The water was pretty shallow here and it was the only time I got into my waders and checked things out. The wife and I caught a few cool micros. These fish I identified as Sandbar Shiner were abundant.
(Fish 1)
We also caught a few of a fish which I identified as a Cyprinella, in this case a Whitefin Shiner? I base the ID on the black marks on the back of the dorsal and overall slim build.
(Fish 2)
My wife also caught this Cyprinella species and I'm unsure of an exact ID.....seemed to have higher back than the fish I identified as a Whitefin Shiner so perhaps Greenfin shiner?
(Fish 3)
My wife also caught this fish, which I think may also be a Greenfin?
(Fish 4)
And this one which I’m think is a Spottail Shiner?
(Fish 5)
The next day we went further downstream and fished the Broad River near Shelby and the South Carolina Border. Here the river was well….much Broader, with some deeper pools and nice looking habitat. After a quick look around I found a spot that looked nice and chucked a small worm on the bottom at a head of a pool to see if anything bigger was around.
While waiting I decided to microfish the margins. We caught some more Sandbar Shiners and a lot of what I think were Spottail Shiners.
(Fish 6)
And of course a couple I wasn’t sure about: