Since 2001 NANFA has funded the Conservation Reaserch Grant, focusing on supporting research relating to the conservation of North America's indigenous fish fauna, particularly those that are threatend or endangered. The Conservation Research Grant could be awarded to someone in academia, a conservation group, or to an independent researcher. The maximum award for any one proposal is budgeted at $1000. The deadline for submission of an application is January 20th, 2015.
Application Guidelines
Qualifying applicants must be members in good standing of NANFA. Membership dues will be accepted with funding applications, or paid separately to NANFA, P.O. Box 1596,
Milton, WA 98354-1596. Annual dues are $30 (U.S.), $35 (Canada and México), and $44 (all other countries).
The research proposal should be no longer than 2 double-spaced pages, plus a separate short budget and timeline. Proposals should include a clear statement as to how this research will benefit the study organism and/or its environment.
A proposal should be submitted as a single .pdf with format as follows:
Question to be investigated
Description of work (methods, design, assumptions, constraints)
Accomplishments (related research efforts)
Proposals should be accompanied by a one-page resume from the applicant, and a letter of recommendation from the applicants major professor or from someone familiar with your background and research. This letter of recommendation should include an e-mail address for verifying references. Electronic submissions are acceptable; send either a .pdf or a .doc file. If you have any queries as to whether you qualify for this grant, please contact Bruce Stallsmith, below.
Please list other sources of financial support for your project.
Researchers must obtain all necessary permits for conducting their research.
We ask that the recipient write a non-technical article on their research for American Currents, NANFAs quarterly journal, to be submitted as soon as the research is complete. Recipients are also encouraged to attend an annual NANFA Convention to present research findings.
The deadline for applications is January 20, 2017. The award decision will be announced by March 31, 2017.
Submit applications to:
Dr. Bruce Stallsmith,

NANFA Conservation Research Grant 2017 Guidelines
Started by
, Jan 02 2017 08:33 PM
3 replies to this topic
Posted 04 January 2017 - 06:36 PM
Other than the fact that we are a registered non-profit there should be no federal connection.
These monies come from our general operating funds, which come largely from membership dues, convention registrations, auctions, sales from the web site, etc.
These monies come from our general operating funds, which come largely from membership dues, convention registrations, auctions, sales from the web site, etc.
Either write something worth reading or do something worth writing. - Benjamin Franklin
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