Some plants work well for some people and not for others. I think that it has a lot to do with the water you have. For instance, I can't grow Hygrophila or water wisteria very well while others seem to have no problem. I frequently buy new plants to try and frequently distribute them in more than one tank when I buy them. Many plants don't grow well for me. Following are the ones that I am able to grow well. Most are not native. All are planted in purchased top soil.
2 wide spectrum T-8 bulb shop light over 12 inch deep tanks.
Italian Vallisneria, Red Tiger Vallisneria, Cryptocoryne wendtii, Najas aquarium strain
2 6700K T-8 bulbs over 17 inch deep tank.
Cryptocoryne pontiderifolia, Sagittaria subulata (dwarf), Amazon sword plant, ocelot sword plant, Najas aquarium strain
eLive LED light with 14 cartridges over 17 inch deep tank
Cryptocoryne aponogetifolia, Madagasgar lace plant (lived for 16 years, but did not reproduce), Anubias barteri, Bacopa
1 6700K T-8 bulb over 17 inch deep tanks.
Cryptocoryne usteriae, Najas aquarium strain, Vallisneria americana, Cryptocoryne wendtii.
Finnex LED light over palidarium
Ludwigia repens, Najas aquarium strain
From what I can tell, the Najas that is available in the aquarium hobby (aquarium strain) is thought to be the same species as southern naiad. However, southern naiad that I have have collected in Illinois, North Carolina, and Florida have all died quickly in my tanks. Najas aquarium strain grows rapidly in all of my aquaria, especially if it roots into topsoil.
Good luck Casper,
Phil Nixon