After visiting my folks today I drove over to Chillicothe to check out an access spot on Senachwine Creek. My parents' stream flows into Senachwine Creek, so I've always wanted to check it out, but this was the first I was aware of a quasi-public access spot. Water was muddy from last night's rain, so I used a dip net instead of hook & line.
First up were the all too common sand shiners.
Next is what I think might be a bigmouth shiner. I've never positively IDed this species, so I'd love to hear people's thoughts.
I caught a few very small southern redbelly dace. Would love to figure out where the adults are.
And one decent sized central stoneroller.
I'm 90% certain this is a green sunfish. Longears are probably in this creek too, but the mouth looks fairly big.
This is a pretty small creek for bass, but I found one juvenile smallmouth.