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go pro 55 gallon

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#1 FirstChAoS

  • Regional Rep

Posted 16 July 2017 - 12:45 AM

Out of curiousity I decided to put my GoPro session in my 55 gallon tank to see how things look from within. The first time I held it and the fish were all energetic as I was standing by the tank. The second time I left the camera in the tank as I went to mix them food. However they stayed hyper. They knew I grabbed the plastic cups I use to thaw and mix frozen food from off their tank which means they are getting meat not flake. Note the babies, the larger ones look like smaller adults with a definate dace looks (my impression is chubby, blunt nosed, longnose dace. which sounds like an eastern blacknose, not sure if snouts are grown into). Their are also a couple very tiny babies who appeared a few weeks later that you can barely make out at the top of the tank.




#2 TimothyHD

  • NANFA Guest
  • Menomonee Falls, WI

Posted 16 July 2017 - 07:07 AM

Nice video. Those guys really do move.

#3 lilyea

  • NANFA Member
  • Peace River Watershed, Central Florida, USA

Posted 16 July 2017 - 03:57 PM

Josh - thanks for sharing!  One of the challenges using a GoPro in an aquarium is the focal distance of the camera.  In order to compensate (e.g., shorten) for the distance I found that adding a macro filter to the GoPro can help.  I think the model I have is from PolarPro and cost about $20.

#4 mattknepley

  • NANFA Member
  • Smack-dab between the Savannah and the Saluda.

Posted 16 July 2017 - 04:04 PM

Those guys love them their food dude!
Matt Knepley
"No thanks, a third of a gopher would merely arouse my appetite..."

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