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Shakespeare micro series spinning rods ?

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#1 Wbyman

  • NANFA Guest
  • Central IL

Posted 21 July 2017 - 10:27 AM

I just wanted some opinions on the Shakespeare micro series UL spinning rods. I was looking at the seven or seven-and-a-half foot for fishing some smaller creeks. Is there any other Rod that would be any better? Thanks, Joe

#2 MtFallsTodd

  • NANFA Member
  • Mountain Falls, Virginia

Posted 21 July 2017 - 07:02 PM

That should work fine. I use a 6 foot microlight uglystick and a Shimono mls100 micro reel with 2 lbs test. I've had this setup since the mid 80s. Still one of my favorites.
Deep in the hills of Great North Mountain

#3 4WheelVFR

  • NANFA Guest

Posted 21 July 2017 - 08:36 PM

It depends on what you mean by better.  For small fish they work just fine, and since they are pretty cheap I don't feel bad about tossing them around a bit.  I would love a good Japanese or GLoomis ultra light rod, but with how I treat my ul's I'm afraid to spend that kind of money.  My ul rods tend to get tossed up on a creek bank or they're laying in the bottom of a canoe, so those cheap ones are perfect.  

#4 jetajockey

  • NANFA Guest

Posted 03 August 2017 - 02:23 AM

I bought the little one piece one, I think it's 5ft something.  Around $20 or so at walmart.  It worked ok but I did manage to snap it in half on the second outing.  I was throwing a small jig and it got snagged, when I pulled back on it, it snapped in half.   The reel seems cheaply made but fine for microfishing.

Have since purchased a 5'6 okuma celilo ultralight along with a kastking summer 2000 (both on amazon, about $20 each.  and both feel far superior quality-wise, but time will tell.

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