Hello all! I am thinking of building a small pond to keep fish outside for the warmer months and wanted input on it. The interior will be 34.5 by 16 by 16 inches. It will have 3/4 inch plywood sides, with the longer sides being 36 inches long and the shorter sides 16 inches, and the 16 inch sides will attach just inside the edge of the longer sides. These will be framed by 2 by 6's - a frame around the perimeter at the top and bottom, with a bunch of 4 inch pieces connecting the two. I was also going to attach plywood to the outside of the 2 by 6's and paint it to make the pond more attractive. I would also build a wooden frame lid with hardware cloth in the gap between the wood. Finally, I would add the pond liner. Any revisions I should make to this plan? Thanks
PS...here is a picture of my plans. The blue is empty space, the orange is plywood (the thin lines show the outline of the plywood behind 2 by 6's), the brown is the 2 by 6's, and the maroon is the lid. The scale is 10 pixels equals 1 inch.
Diagram of water garden.png 1.34KB 0 downloads