Seems like the fantail and the adult rainbow are the most shy. The fantail almost never comes out and for awhile there tonight I thought that perhaps a sunfish or the madtom ate him, but no, he just keeps himself very well hidden in the rocks. As for the adult rainbow, he's out all of the time but very camera shy. It's nearly impossible for me to get a shot of him. However, this juvenile rainbow I have is very accommodating as are most of the banded darters. This little one just finished a blood worm and the gun-shy adult rainbow below has just the very tip of a fry's tail sticking out of it's mouth. They just destroy blood worms just like the adult does the feeder fry and since they originated from the same river and place in said river, I am not to terribly worried about pathogens since they're native to this river and water(I use filtered river water and river bottom rocks for my tank). I also screen my water and thoroughly cleaned and hand-picked my rocks to remove all parasites I could physically see on them.
The sunfish are about 2" and 3" respectively. They tend to leave the darters alone but nip a tail once in awhile. I have to make a decision here in the nearing future. Darters or sunfish. Once they get bigger, they'll inhale them and I don't want that, especially with how personable they've become and how colorful they are. They crowd the front when I feed them and they know when it's feeding time. Impressive for wild fish!
Right now I have 3 Western blacknose dace and some other form of black stripe minnow in the tank. The biggest black nose is very aggressive towards shiners. I had 3 emerald shiners in here a few months back and he one by one slaughtered them. It wasn't the sunnies, it was the dace. He gets along with the black stripe and the other 2 dace but hates other species of minnows. Once in awhile he chases a darter, but since he's mid-water, he usually leaves them alone.
Anyhow, eventually I hope to get a good photo of the adult rainbow and my fantail. Both are extremely gun-shy.
Edited by Fleendar the Magnificent, 21 October 2018 - 08:19 PM.