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Small bubble on a shiner's lip.

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#1 Fleendar the Magnificent

Fleendar the Magnificent
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  • Ohio

Posted 17 December 2018 - 07:09 PM

I noticed this about a week ago on one of my shiners, it's a small white bubble/bump on it's lower lip. Hasn't affected it's appetite at all nor it's behavior and it doesn't look filamentous at all. Any speculation on what it might be? The fish has no other spots anywhere else on it's body, just the very tip of it's lower lip.


Water is their native river water and parameters are:



Nitrates are a little high in the 80 PPM.

Alkalinity-120 PPM

pH 7.8

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#2 Matt DeLaVega

Matt DeLaVega
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Posted 17 December 2018 - 07:43 PM

That may be your silver shiner. Looks right. I think that is probably trauma. That is an easy place to damage. Wouldn't worry unless things change.

The member formerly known as Skipjack

#3 Fleendar the Magnificent

Fleendar the Magnificent
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Posted 17 December 2018 - 09:21 PM

He's one of the silvers. I caught a nice spotfin today and the difference between the two is day and night. Despite being a shiner, they're actually quite handsome fish! I put him into the tank and within 20 minutes the spotfin was eagerly eating flake food.

Anyhow, these silvers seem to be kind of skittish and spook easily. Perhaps he smashed lips on the glass sometime overnight. I get up to go to work at 3:15 AM and I can hear splashing around in the tank. So far I have been watching it for 4 days and nothing's changed for the worse and it's still eating well, so hopefully it'll heal up.


Thanks again Matt.

#4 Matt DeLaVega

Matt DeLaVega
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Posted 17 December 2018 - 10:02 PM

He's one of the silvers. I caught a nice spotfin today and the difference between the two is day and night. Despite being a shiner, they're actually quite handsome fish! I put him into the tank and within 20 minutes the spotfin was eagerly eating flake food.

Anyhow, these silvers seem to be kind of skittish and spook easily. Perhaps he smashed lips on the glass sometime overnight. I get up to go to work at 3:15 AM and I can hear splashing around in the tank. So far I have been watching it for 4 days and nothing's changed for the worse and it's still eating well, so hopefully it'll heal up.


Thanks again Matt.

 You are welcome. I am glad to see a newer Ohio guy who is enjoying this native fish thing as much as the rest of us.

The member formerly known as Skipjack

#5 Fleendar the Magnificent

Fleendar the Magnificent
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Posted 18 December 2018 - 03:13 PM

Yeah, I really DO enjoy having native fish. Even as a young teen back about 1986, I had a creek outside the house and caught some southern red belly dace for my tank. Back then I had no exposure to any kind of info on how to care for and work with native fish but kind of figured it out.

Seems like the spotfin's doing good. Caught him yesterday and he's already surface feeding on flakes. Has really pretty colors as well.

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#6 Matt DeLaVega

Matt DeLaVega
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Posted 18 December 2018 - 07:02 PM

Previous photos didn't show dorsal fin. You can see spotfin in this picture. You can also see the gold line between lateral line and dorsal fin. Steelcolor shiners do not have that.

The member formerly known as Skipjack

#7 Fleendar the Magnificent

Fleendar the Magnificent
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Posted 18 December 2018 - 07:48 PM

I don't think that we have the steelcolor shiner in the Olentangy, but we do have the spotfins and the silver which is what the others I highly suspect are since they're a different body profile than the spotfin and do not have the defining black spot on their dorsal fin.

Any idea on the diet of the silver and spotfin shiners? Will flake foods be nutritious enough for them? They seem to ignore the blood worms and Mysis shrimp.

#8 Matt DeLaVega

Matt DeLaVega
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Posted 18 December 2018 - 08:12 PM

Yeah, flake should do for staple. Surprised they are not into bloodworms.

The member formerly known as Skipjack

#9 Fleendar the Magnificent

Fleendar the Magnificent
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Posted 18 December 2018 - 09:05 PM

I've had the silvers for over a month and they won't touch worms or shrimp, just the flake food and this spotfin seems like he won't either. However, he's been here only 24 hours so he's still new. Might take a little time....

#10 gerald

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Posted 21 December 2018 - 11:38 AM

"... they won't touch worms or shrimp, just the flake food"  

Reminds me of that dog meme that's been circulating:  "We were wolves once, wild and wary; then we noticed you had sofas"

Gerald Pottern
Hangin' on the Neuse
"Taxonomy is the diaper used to organize the mess of evolution into discrete packages" - M.Sandel

#11 Fleendar the Magnificent

Fleendar the Magnificent
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Posted 21 December 2018 - 03:02 PM

That's awesome Gerald. Love it!

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