I am new to the native fish hobby and about 1 year ago I began by purchasing 7 1 inch southern Long-eared Sunfish. Well they are grown now. I keep them at work ( a teaching lab) for students to look and learn, but that also means they might get a little neglect in the summer months. Last week I went away from June 27-July 4th. I wasn't able to check on them until today and I found them all alive and active. However this means they were unattended for 13 days! Some males were doing the territorial spinning display. However I am concerned because some of the fish appear to have peeled skin. See photo for what I mean. The goldfish in the tank appear to be missing scales, not raised scales, just missing. I saw some minor scrapes on the sunfish here and there, but no wounds or obvious infections. During my time away they were not fed and the room they were in seems to have gotten very very warm without the AC running. I am wondering if they got extra agressive with each other or if they are suffering from stress related problems. Do you think this is something to be concerned about.
Thank you.
Edited by Toad Drool, 09 July 2019 - 11:13 PM.