NANFAcon2020 Columbia, South Carolina
Posted 07 February 2020 - 09:44 AM
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Mohawk-Hudson Watershed
Schenectady NY
Posted 07 February 2020 - 07:03 PM
Kevin and his woman. Bring her! It will be good to meet you.
Lucas tussles with monkeys in his sleep. Be aware.
I will be with the Wolfe.
Chattanooga, near the TN Divide on BlueFishRidge overlooking South Chickamauga Creek.
Posted 08 February 2020 - 09:12 PM
I'm sharing with Chip. Maybe Michael can get you a list of attendees so you contact folks that dont use the forum ?
Gerald Pottern
Hangin' on the Neuse
"Taxonomy is the diaper used to organize the mess of evolution into discrete packages" - M.Sandel
Posted 13 February 2020 - 11:14 AM
Janet and I registered today. Yay! My first convention!
Kevin Wilson
Posted 14 February 2020 - 08:03 PM
Lawrence Kent from WA says he's coming. Chip Hildreth and I are coming from Durham.
Gerald Pottern
Hangin' on the Neuse
"Taxonomy is the diaper used to organize the mess of evolution into discrete packages" - M.Sandel
Posted 17 February 2020 - 05:59 PM
Officially registered looking forward to a great time.
Mohawk-Hudson Watershed
Schenectady NY
Posted 19 February 2020 - 12:55 PM
Freshwater Aquarist
South Carolina Aquarium
Charleston, SC
Posted 25 February 2020 - 06:43 PM
100 Bucks.
Cheap entertainment. And a big meal Friday.
A month away!
Chattanooga, near the TN Divide on BlueFishRidge overlooking South Chickamauga Creek.
Posted 29 February 2020 - 09:52 AM
I would offer to share but rooming with me is not conducive to a night of rest. ASk Rolf .
Posted 02 March 2020 - 12:59 PM
Foam ear plugs are a most excellent method of dealing with snorers.
Noah Daun is looking for a room share Saturday night.
I can vouch for a kind heart and courteous manner.
Looking at my calendar we are just over 2 weeks away to be on our ways to Columbia, SC !
Chattanooga, near the TN Divide on BlueFishRidge overlooking South Chickamauga Creek.
Posted 02 March 2020 - 01:50 PM
As Casper said, I'm looking for a roommate the Saturday night of the Con. If anyone is interested, let me know!
Posted 12 March 2020 - 08:39 PM
All of you that are registered should already have received complete details, but in case you do not see your email, the BOD and our convention hosts have the following announcement. It reads in part...
Unfortunately, due to the heightened concern surrounding the Corona virus, the decision has been made to postpone the 2020 NANFA Convention. Once the pandemic has passed, we will reassess and determine new dates, likely in the fall. Everyone will be notified as soon as this occurs.
Posted 13 March 2020 - 01:19 PM
Meanwhile, we might as well all go out and explore our creeks and post discussions on our forum. Great non-crowd-intensive activities!
Gerald Pottern
Hangin' on the Neuse
"Taxonomy is the diaper used to organize the mess of evolution into discrete packages" - M.Sandel
Posted 16 March 2020 - 07:19 AM
I am bummed that we weren't able to do this, but, I certainly understand. I look forward to the fall version of this event. I kept my registration in place, hoping that the time picked doesn't conflict with my work schedule. I have every intention of attending. I look forward to meeting you all.
Kevin Wilson
Posted 01 April 2020 - 08:27 AM
how about 2021 convention in New York? If I see right, it has never been held in NY.
Posted 09 July 2020 - 09:17 PM
The NANFA Board of Directors and 2020 Convention Planning Committee have made the difficult decision to suspend the NANFA Convention indefinitely due to continued concerns over the COVID-19 pandemic. Once it is possible to again travel and gather safely, a new meeting announcement will be made.
Those that registered are being contacted separately to arrange appropriate refunds.
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