Putting this here to avoid posting over Jason's gar news in trip reports...
Spent the last week on family vacation in a cabin in the Sautee Nacoochee area of North Georgia. Managed to get a little fishing in, but since everywhere we were was designated trout waters I was stuck with hook and line approaches.
Finally gave microfishing a try. Our cabin was on Mauldin Creek, White County. The folks at Unicoi Outfitters outfitters were kind enough to tie 3 of the smallest hooks they had onto 3 lengths of the smallest diameter tippets they had. I'm very grateful, as I never would have been able to see, let alone manipulate, that tiny gear! Tied a tippet to a hot dog roasting stick and had at it.
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I did ok with Yellowfin Shiners, which was good enough for me. Gram for gram they fight harder than any other fish in the water! They obviously had had zero fishing pressure before I got there. I could stand just about on top of 'em and float hot dog, bread, tips of twister tails, and a dead ant and get hits. I was surprised to find I needed some of Ben Cantrell's enormous microhooks because I had to be quick or they'd swallow the the tiny hook I was using.
My next fish I am especially pleased with. A Chattahoochee Bass from Chickamauga Creek in White County. One of the shirts I had packed for our trip happened to be one that belonged to my Uncle Mike before he passed away a few years ago. His three favorite places in the world to be were tending bar at the American Legion, hunting deer, and trout fishing. It occurred to me as I was chucking a spinner in the Chick that Mike would be happy to have his shirt there. I told him the only thing that'd make it better would be to catch a nice fish. That very cast I hooked and landed this small but scrappy Chattahoochee Bass. I am not making this up. It may not have been the biggest fish, or a trout, but it was a lifer for me and Mike's shirt I am sure! I know he'd be happy with a little bass; he didn't catch too many fish he didn't like!
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Lastly, I got a chance to lob a spinner in the Soque River at Pitts Park in Clarkesville, Habersham County. It is a big time trout water in those parts, but I was thrilled to hook the biggest, prettiest Yellowbreast Sunfish I've ever seen. Let Erin have the honor of landing the creature.
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So there you have it. Nothing earth shattering, yet very satisfying to me all the same...