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Yet another Collecting Trip in Middlefield, CT!

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#1 DannyKeepsFish

  • NANFA Guest
  • CT

Posted 06 July 2020 - 09:03 PM

Went back a few days ago to see how things were going. No pictures this time as I didn't really catch anything to put in a bucket just more or less looking, catching and releasing after iding what it was. Anyways onto the report....




What I caught


Dozens Creek Chub or Dace - haven't figured it out yet but all local reports say its dace in that stream

Several sunfish -  Hard to tell what kind exactly as I'm slowly learning the different species myself but there was at least 3 different types I saw

1 small Carp - This is what I'm assuming was the "juv salmon" in my last thread. Pretty sure it was a Carp, boy do they put up a fight! You would have thought I caught a mammoth fish or something with how much fight he gave

1 eel - I woke him up from his slumber, he was in a bed of leaves/twigs at the bottom of the pool, had him in my net for about 5 seconds and released him. he swam away pretty quick

1 salamander - pretty cool find, didn't even know they live in this stream.


What I saw


Northern Watersnake - Probably saw 3-4 of them, none bothered me and were more interested in finding dinner. 2 of them were pretty small (barely a foot long) the other 2 were a bit larger and definitely didn't miss a meal!


Was a pretty good trip all things considered. I enjoy this spot because its a small stream that dumps into a 6 food wide 8 foot long Pool which then slowly drains down stream for about a mile before dumping into a bigger river. I wish I could find more spots like this in CT


#2 Matt DeLaVega

Matt DeLaVega
  • Forum Staff
  • Ohio

Posted 08 July 2020 - 04:19 PM

Just a thought, bed of leaf matter is good habitat for both eel's and lamprey ammocoetes. Both look similar superficially at least. Just keep your eyes open.


Creek chubs invariably will have a dark pigmented area at the anterior base of the dorsal fin. Lift the fin if it isn't in the erect position and inspect. This characteristic should set you in the right direction.


You likely might run into fallfish up in your neck of the woods. They are a Semotilus, same genus as creek chub. Again, keep your eyes open.


Check out fishmap.org - You can find a link above in out "tool bar" or whatever we are calling it. It is a very valuable tool for finding out exactly what species have been found in a particular watershed.


Get a photo tank and take lots of photo's

The member formerly known as Skipjack

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