Hi Everyone!
I am creating a 20 gallon long aquarium based on Maine native salt/brackish water fish. I am guessing the water is pretty salty because I collected it at a marina in Casco Bay. Currently I have a small hermit crab, a tiny rock or Jonah crab, a herd of grass shrimp, and a few killifish. I am not sure what killifish I have but they are not mummichogs. I collect primarily with a dip net though I have a seine net as well. I would like to add mummichogs, cunner, maybe a grubby sculpin, and possibly a few stickleback. There is not a lot of resources on native saltwater bait fish in Maine so I don't really know what's around. This is my first major aquarium project though I have kept goldfish and betas in the past. Neither my goldfish nor my beta survived very long. This is really my first aquarium as well as my first salt/brackish one. Does anyone have any advice about these species?
Project Specs:
Tank Size: 20 Gallon Long
Filter: Seachem Tidal 35
Substrate: Caribsea Arag Alive,
Current Inhabitants: 1 hermit crab, 5 unidentified killifish (possibly striped or banded), 6 grass shrimp, one baby Jonah or rock crab.
Future Inhabitants: Cunner, Mummichog, Atlantic Tomcod (juvenile), scup (juvenile), sticklebacks?, grubby?, rock gunnel.