Greetings! Setting up a new pond (zone 5a Ontario), in-ground, 20,000g with a 4' deep, planted end (5,000g), and a 9' deep end with bottom drain (15,000g). I'm an experienced fish-keeper (50 years, with mostly tropical & Koi), so I'm here to learn about the specifics of keeping a Yellow Perch ecosystem.
The question I've struggled with is, do Yellow Perch hibernate? Koi involuntarily enter torpor at between 50 and 42F and stay that way for months at 39F.
Part of fish-keeping is managing their food supply, which I can easily do in the summer months. I'm planning to establish a self-sustaining live food source in the 5,000g planted end (cray, minnows, etc, open to suggestions). My concern is in ensuring their needs are met over the long winters we have here.
Thanks for any advice!