Lower Creek NC Trip Report
Posted 04 May 2023 - 01:51 PM
Tessellated Darter (Some absolutely stunning males)
Carolina Fantail Darter
Rosyside Dace
Eastern Mosquitofish
Greenfin Shiner
Supposedly there are also Greenhead and White Suckers in the creek, but I didn't find any. In a tributary of Lower Creek though, I did find many Greenheads. I also didn't find any creek or bluehead chubs, which is extremely unusual.
It's a largely sandy and slow creek. However, underneath a bridge there was an artificial riffle made up of rubble. Every single darter shuffle in that riffle save 2 brought with it a darter or two. I let most go, but did bring a couple tesselated darters, carolina fantails, and a greenfin home.
Thomas Lyons
Fortunate to have multiple watersheds within a reasonable drive, with the Upper Yadkin, Watauga, and Upper New watersheds within 40 minutes.
Posted 16 June 2023 - 02:58 PM
Central Stoneroller
Bluehead Chub
Creek Chub
White Sucker
Sunfish spp.
Spottail Shiner
Western Mosquitofish
Thomas Lyons
Fortunate to have multiple watersheds within a reasonable drive, with the Upper Yadkin, Watauga, and Upper New watersheds within 40 minutes.
Posted 20 July 2023 - 03:41 PM
Whitefin Shiner
Greenhead Shiner
Southern Tesselated darter
Eastern Mosquitofish (not pictured)
Carolina Fantail Darter (not pictured)
Thomas Lyons
Fortunate to have multiple watersheds within a reasonable drive, with the Upper Yadkin, Watauga, and Upper New watersheds within 40 minutes.
Posted 26 July 2023 - 07:22 PM
ranged from about 1 inch to 1.5 feet in size. The tiny ones were caught with a seine and I got the 1.5 ft guy with a castnet.
Thomas Lyons
Fortunate to have multiple watersheds within a reasonable drive, with the Upper Yadkin, Watauga, and Upper New watersheds within 40 minutes.
Posted 01 September 2023 - 09:35 AM
With a creek that size you really need a seine
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I seine it occasionally. I use a Douglas Net Company 12 and a 6 ft seine mostly.
Thomas Lyons
Fortunate to have multiple watersheds within a reasonable drive, with the Upper Yadkin, Watauga, and Upper New watersheds within 40 minutes.
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