Recently I caught a fish which appears to be a cross between an landlocked Atlantic (Salmo salar) salmon and a brook trout (Salvelinus fontinalis). Although I cannot find a record of these fishes hybridizing, the fact that brook trout can hybridize with other Salmon species indicates that this may not be such a farfetched hypothesis. The fish was caught in a brook with healthy populations of both brook trout and landlocked salmon, and an absence of brown trout as far as I know. At first glance it may look like a tiger trout but many of its features appear salmon-like, notable elongated body, forked tail, lack of dark spots below the lateral line, and blue iridescence.
I have attached two photos of the fish in question. I am also including photo of a brook trout caught in the same brook as the hybrid and a photo of a landlocked salmon par caught in a nearby river.

Brook trout

Landlocked Atlantic Salmon