I'm planning on creating some no tech tanks for in my room, and I want to stock them with H. formosa. I'd like to have some sort of shrimp like critter with them that can help take care of any algae, and I'm in between neocaridinas and scuds. Neos would be my go to, but as weird as it sounds, I think they look too "big" next to formosas, and I feel their colors distract from the formosas subtle beauty. I don't want the scuds to get out of control, and I'm fine with having backup cultures, so my question is this; In 2.5 to 5 gallon tanks that are heavily planted, will H. formosas eat adult scuds, or at the very least, create and equilibrium where the scuds can't overpopulate? Would I be able to employ a similar environment for Elassomas and L. omattas?
Side note on the ommatas, any good info on reliably breeding them?
Thanks in advance for any info!