Georgia fishing regulations
Posted 30 August 2006 - 09:16 PM
Posted 27 December 2008 - 08:45 PM
§ 27-4-6. Use of minnow seines
It shall be unlawful to take any game fish or American eels by minnow seines from the fresh waters of this state. It shall also be unlawful to take any nongame fish by minnow seines from any of the fresh waters of this state, except where such fish are five inches in length or less and are not to be sold or otherwise used for commercial purposes and except where such waters are not trout waters as designated pursuant to Code Section 27-4-51. It shall also be unlawful to use a seine which is longer than 20 feet or which has a mesh larger than three-eighths of an inch square, or in diameter if the mesh is not square. All game fish and American eels taken in such seines shall be immediately released unharmed into the waters from which they were taken.
HISTORY: Ga. L. 1956, p. 231, § 1; Ga. L. 1962, p. 120, § 1; Ga. L. 1968, p. 497, § 25; Code 1933, § 45-708, enacted by Ga. L. 1977, p. 396, § 1; Ga. L. 1999, p. 81, § 27.
Edited by RedBeard, 27 December 2008 - 08:50 PM.
Posted 16 August 2013 - 07:31 PM
Posted 29 September 2018 - 01:04 PM
Update from 2018 and the NANFA Convention
GA_FishSamplingRegulationsforNANFA_2018.pdf 300.38KB
Posted 08 April 2020 - 06:51 PM
Can anyone explain this to me taken from the Georgia fishing regulations?
(b) Notwithstanding subsection (a) of this Code section, dip nets and cast nets may be used to take for
bait threadfin shad, blueback herring, gizzard shad, and other nongame fish as authorized by the board;
Ok so I can use dip nets and cast nets to catch non game fish? But "As authorized by the board"???
So if it's non game and 5 inch or smaller caught with cast or dip nets, it's allowed right?
I can even set traps but only for crayfish and release all fish caught.
I wonder why they allow a 20 foot seine but not at least one trap for non game fish 5 inch or smaller.
Posted 13 April 2020 - 05:52 PM
No, no one can actually explain this section. We have talked about it a bunch. Before the Convention a few years ago, we even had our friends at DNR take this to a state lawyer and still we ended up with a letter that said, no dip nets.
I think that the confusion comes from what a dipnet and what a trap might be or lead to. Apparently back in the day a dip net was a common name for a huge net on a frame (think a 15 x 15 foot square mounted on a huge arm and pivot point that could be let down in to the river bottom and then pivot up and capture everything in the area. These were used for commercial harvest (as were large traps). I don't know why they didn't just limit them by size if that's what they wanted to control. But in any event it seems to be what we are stuck with.
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