Ohio fishing regulations
Posted 30 August 2006 - 09:56 PM
Posted 23 May 2007 - 01:26 PM
I had a hard time finding this, so I posted it, I thought it might be of help.
larger than ½-inch on a side. Seine and net size limits and places where
they may be used are as follows:
MINNOW OR BAIT FISH TRAPS – It is illegal for anglers to possess or use
a minnow or bait fish trap larger than 24 inches in length and 12 inches
in width. Additionally, possessing or using a minnow or bait fish trap with
an opening larger than one inch is illegal.
CAST NETS – Forage fish may be taken with cast nets only in the Inland
Fishing District. It is unlawful to use a cast net with a square mesh less
than ¼-inch or larger than 1 inch on a side, or with a diameter of greater
than 10 feet. It is illegal to use a cast net within a distance of 1000 feet
downstream from any dam posted with Division of Wildlife signs indicating
cast net use is prohibited.
FORAGE FISH means freshwater drum (in the Lake Erie fishing district
only), carp, quillback, suckers, bowfin, gar, buffalo, gizzard shad, and goldfish.
These species may be taken by any method except by means of explosives,
poisons, firearms, electricity, chemicals, nets, seines, or traps, or by snagging
within 1,000 feet downstream of a dam. Gizzard shad and smelt may be
taken with a minnow seine, minnow dip net, or hand landing net.
BAIT It is unlawful for any person except licensed bait dealers to possess
more than 100 crayfish or in combination 500 crayfish, minnows, and other
bait fish. A bait dealer’s permit is required of persons buying or selling
minnows, crayfish, and hellgrammites. This permit may be obtained from
any wildlife district office.
Posted 29 May 2007 - 10:40 AM
Taken from this page
A fishing license is required to collect minnows and mussels for bait.
Each person may possess up to 100 crayfish or up to 500 in the aggregate of crayfish and bait fish including minnows, suckers no longer than 10 inches, brook silversides, brook sticklebacks, gizzard shad, trout-perch, sculpins, darters, topminnows and mudminnows.
Clams, mussels or mussel shells may not be taken, possessed or collected for any purpose.
Other bait, including night crawlers, red worms, leeches, wax worms, mousies, hellgrammites, and other larval aquatic insects, may be possessed in any amount.
It is unlawful to use fish species that are not already established in Ohio waters.
Minnow seine (square) meshes may not be larger than 1/2 inch. The maximum size of a seine in the Inland Fishing District is 4 feet x 8 feet. In the Lake Erie Fishing District seines can be of any size. Seining is prohibited between 9 p.m. and 4 a.m. It is unlawful to use a seine in any inland lake, pond, or water area that is owned or controlled by the Division of Wildlife. It is unlawful to take bait from King's Creek between C.R. 223 and the Mad River.
Minnow dip net (square) meshes may not be larger than 1/2 inch. The maximum size on any side of dip nets is 4 feet in the Inland Fishing District, 6 feet in the Lake Erie District.Bait fish may be taken with cast nets only in the Inland Fishing District. It is unlawful to use a cast net with a square mesh less than 1/4 inch or larger than 1 inch on a side, or with a diameter of less than 6 feet or more than 10 feet.
Bait traps may not exceed 12 x 24 inches. Openings must not be larger than one inch in diameter.
Fish caught by legal angling methods (such as bluegills caught by hook and line) may be used for bait.
A bait dealer permit is required of persons who sell minnows, crayfish, or hellgrammites. See our aquaculture page for more details.
Endangered Species
Any unusual or apparently rare fish species that is encountered while seining or trapping for bait should be returned to the water. The chance of catching an endangered fish is so unlikely, it should not deter anyone from collecting bait fish.
Ohio's endangered species include 30 mussels, 3 lampreys, and 17 or more small fish that could be found while collecting bait. The endangered status of these fish and mollusks is due to habitat alteration caused mainly by (1) siltation from soil erosion, resulting in loss of clear waters and spawning habitat; (2) construction of dams which prevent fish from reaching their upstream spawning areas; (3) degradation of water quality from acid mine drainage, municipal sewage discharges, and industrial and agricultural discharges; and (4) loss of aquatic habitat through drainage activities and stream channelization.
Posted 29 May 2007 - 06:04 PM

Posted 29 May 2007 - 08:01 PM
ThanksGood work!
Posted 31 May 2007 - 12:59 PM
I found more information specifically targeted at baitfish. Just wanted to share.
Taken from this page
A fishing license is required to collect minnows and mussels for bait.
Each person may possess up to 100 crayfish or up to 500 in the aggregate of crayfish and bait fish including minnows, suckers no longer than 10 inches, brook silversides, brook sticklebacks, gizzard shad, trout-perch, sculpins, darters, topminnows and mudminnows.
Clams, mussels or mussel shells may not be taken, possessed or collected for any purpose.
Other bait, including night crawlers, red worms, leeches, wax worms, mousies, hellgrammites, and other larval aquatic insects, may be possessed in any amount.
It is unlawful to use fish species that are not already established in Ohio waters.
Minnow seine (square) meshes may not be larger than 1/2 inch. The maximum size of a seine in the Inland Fishing District is 4 feet x 8 feet. In the Lake Erie Fishing District seines can be of any size. Seining is prohibited between 9 p.m. and 4 a.m. It is unlawful to use a seine in any inland lake, pond, or water area that is owned or controlled by the Division of Wildlife. It is unlawful to take bait from King's Creek between C.R. 223 and the Mad River.
Minnow dip net (square) meshes may not be larger than 1/2 inch. The maximum size on any side of dip nets is 4 feet in the Inland Fishing District, 6 feet in the Lake Erie District.Bait fish may be taken with cast nets only in the Inland Fishing District. It is unlawful to use a cast net with a square mesh less than 1/4 inch or larger than 1 inch on a side, or with a diameter of less than 6 feet or more than 10 feet.
Bait traps may not exceed 12 x 24 inches. Openings must not be larger than one inch in diameter.
Fish caught by legal angling methods (such as bluegills caught by hook and line) may be used for bait.
A bait dealer permit is required of persons who sell minnows, crayfish, or hellgrammites. See our aquaculture page for more details.
Endangered Species
Any unusual or apparently rare fish species that is encountered while seining or trapping for bait should be returned to the water. The chance of catching an endangered fish is so unlikely, it should not deter anyone from collecting bait fish.
Ohio's endangered species include 30 mussels, 3 lampreys, and 17 or more small fish that could be found while collecting bait. The endangered status of these fish and mollusks is due to habitat alteration caused mainly by (1) siltation from soil erosion, resulting in loss of clear waters and spawning habitat; (2) construction of dams which prevent fish from reaching their upstream spawning areas; (3) degradation of water quality from acid mine drainage, municipal sewage discharges, and industrial and agricultural discharges; and (4) loss of aquatic habitat through drainage activities and stream channelization.
Its about time they got some sense and prohibited the collection of mussels. As if mussels don't have enough problems. And the crazy thing is, people do collect them for bait. I've run into them.
Posted 07 June 2009 - 07:17 PM
i was in the river and this one law was news to me.
1533.57 Minnows shall be taken only for bait.
In the inland fishing district seining for minnows is prohibited from the first day of May to the fourteenth day of June, both inclusive, except in streams in which the average width of water at the time seined does not exceed twelve feet for a distance of fifty yards above and below the point seined. In such district no persons shall take, catch, buy, or sell minnows, except for bait, and the taking, transporting, or shipping of minnows out of the state is prohibited. In the inland fishing district no minnows shall be taken or caught except with a minnow seine not exceeding four feet in depth and eight feet in length. In the Lake Erie fishing district no minnows shall be taken with a minnow seine exceeding thirty feet in length. No person at any time in the inland fishing district shall have in his possession either alive or otherwise more than one hundred minnows, except persons, firms, associations, or corporations buying, selling, or dealing in bait. Such persons, firms, associations, or corporations must be licensed as provided in section 1533.40 of the Revised Code.
Effective Date: 10-01-1953
Posted 12 March 2019 - 08:28 PM
Current (2019) Ohio fishing regulations: http://wildlife.ohio...hingregulations
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