If you do not know the ID of a fish, please be sure to photo it at the stream, and release it. You may be taking an endangered fish. Everyone here wants to help you ID your fish, but not at the cost of removing a sensitive species from a breeding population. A small "critter" tank will suffice as a photo tank.

Important Please Read Before Posting In This Forum
Started by
, Jul 16 2007 08:15 PM
6 replies to this topic
Posted 16 July 2007 - 08:15 PM
Posted 03 August 2010 - 09:46 PM
The above advice is now prominently displayed at the top of every page in this sub-forum. Please take note and remind new members of this rule.
Posted 10 August 2010 - 08:16 PM
Please notice new rules located at the top of the ID assistance subforum.
ID requests from home aquaria will not be accepted and topics will be removed. Please take the time to catch, photo and release unidentified fish streamside.
Location, at least general location (state, major drainage, etc) is required for any posts in this section. Posts without location will be removed without question.
ID requests from home aquaria will not be accepted and topics will be removed. Please take the time to catch, photo and release unidentified fish streamside.
Location, at least general location (state, major drainage, etc) is required for any posts in this section. Posts without location will be removed without question.
Posted 11 August 2010 - 04:39 AM
State DNR sites are often just a first place to start, and may not even include fish listed at the Federal level, or fish that are of special concern or that otherwise shouldn't be ethically or legally taken. Sometimes rare fish pop up in weird places or places from which they were though to be extirpated.
Field IDs are the way to go -- this should have been done from the beginning!
If you don't have a clue what something is, why would you want to take it home and drop it in your aquarium? Most of our native fishes are common enough that once you get a positive ID, if you go back to the same locality you will likely catch more.
Field IDs are the way to go -- this should have been done from the beginning!
If you don't have a clue what something is, why would you want to take it home and drop it in your aquarium? Most of our native fishes are common enough that once you get a positive ID, if you go back to the same locality you will likely catch more.
Posted 11 August 2010 - 07:19 AM
Thanks Dave.
"Field IDs are the way to go -- this should have been done from the beginning! "
This is exactly how I felt once the change was made. We're trying to take a look at the forum from different angle which is kind of tough, for me at least. I want everyone to feel free to PM with suggestions or post your ideas and we'll keep patching up stuff as we can.
I believe this change reinforces the NANFA code of ethics expected from this forum.
"Field IDs are the way to go -- this should have been done from the beginning! "
This is exactly how I felt once the change was made. We're trying to take a look at the forum from different angle which is kind of tough, for me at least. I want everyone to feel free to PM with suggestions or post your ideas and we'll keep patching up stuff as we can.
I believe this change reinforces the NANFA code of ethics expected from this forum.
Posted 11 August 2010 - 05:16 PM
Can we make an exception for the "look what I found in the feeder tank at the pet store" posts that newcomers (and regulars) make periodically? That seems like a fairly different case.
Posted 11 August 2010 - 05:25 PM
Can we make an exception for the "look what I found in the feeder tank at the pet store" posts that newcomers (and regulars) make periodically? That seems like a fairly different case.
Surely that has been taken into consideration, and certainly the mods will deal with this case by case. For instance if someone were to go collecting with a more experienced individual, and brought home fish knowing the ID's at the time, but happened to now have a hard time differentiating between two species, I am sure that our mods will consider that.
I would be sure to state the circumstances clearly in the thread.
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