Rainbow Darter (or similar) tank setup
Posted 11 August 2024 - 04:41 PM
"If used in a small tank, a powerhead should be the type that emerges out of the water because submersibles could warm water to lethal temperatures".
I'm not sure what a out of the water powerhead is exactly? I know of the ones you put in the water. I understand they need good flowing water, would a canister filter rated for a size above 10gal work to create enough current or am I drastically overthinking it like I do with everything? I also have to opertunity to purchase a nice chiller that's drastically discounted, do you other Darter keepers find chillers necessary?
I'd love to hear what you Darter keepers think. Thanks.
Posted 11 August 2024 - 07:08 PM
I have kept rainbow darters in a 10 gallon before and they can do quite well. I think yes, that a hang on the back filter is rather like a powerhead outside the tank (even like a biowheel). Or maybe the writer was thinking about the kind of powerhead where you have a down spout and it spits out the water right at the surface.
Rainbows, and many other darters, don't really need flowing water. They live there because it is a high oxygen environment where they can out compete other fishes. If you can provide the high oxygen (and of course not too hot (these variables being related of course) environment they will do fine in no current at all. One other benefit to flow though, is that it might make the food you provide "dance around" and look more live. Darters take some time getting used to non-live foods, and thawed frozen will "look" more live in some flow/current.
Chillers are not necessary, but air conditioning the room they are in pretty much is. Then keep the added heat down (like was mentioned with the powerhead, and also consider LED lighting).
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