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Live Food

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#1 Guest_airbrn1187_*

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Posted 07 September 2007 - 10:45 PM

Are there any threads or good websites with detailed instructions on growing your own food cultures...aside from brine shrimp???

#2 Guest_TurtleLover_*

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Posted 08 September 2007 - 02:05 PM

Are there any threads or good websites with detailed instructions on growing your own food cultures...aside from brine shrimp???

Flightless fruit flies (drosophila hyieda) are easy to keep and feed. You can get them online or pick up a starter vial from petco in the reptile section. All you have to do is get clean insect growing cups (you can get them cheap on ebay, just add water :grin: ) and take a few of the adult flies and put them in a new culture. Soon you see larvae crawling in the medium and a few days later you can see pupae forming on the sides. When the adults begin emerging, you can move a few to a new cup again and keep several cultures going at once. If you only have a few fish you only need to keep a couple going and feed a few out of each one every day. Just be sure you don't exhaust your supply of adults so that there's always some around to lay new eggs.

#3 Guest_iturnrocks_*

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Posted 08 September 2007 - 11:43 PM

Raising White Worms

Culturing Red Worms for food

Catching Live Food from Ponds

Raising Mealworms

How to Culture Earthworms

Mosquito Larvae as Fry Food

Raising Daphnia


Culturing Paramecium

Wingless Drosophila

Lettuce Have Infusoria

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