My name's Colby I'm married in my late 20's and I live just outside of Tulsa Oklahoma. I am an active angler, photographer, sport shooter (not a hunter, more towards defensive/practical shooting) and fishkeeper. My main interests are Rift Lake Cichlids, Panaque sp. catfish (wood eating plecos!), Killi fish and have recently gotten interested in North Eastern Oklahoma native fishes and inverts. I have a fish room with give or take about 12 tanks up and running at any given moment. My current North American native focus is on Spring Creek in North Eastern Oklahoma a spring and groundwater fed "Ozark" type river/creek.
Here's a few of my photographs:
Close up of Aulonocara sp. "Lwanda Red Top"

Green Cheek Conure:

The "Log Jam"
"South American River "snag" bio-type" for wood eating South American catfish (Panaque spp.)

"Question Mark" butterfly on beaver stump:

Beaver dam on small creek inside Tulsa City Limits where Gambusia sp. can be found

Beaver "work"

Altolamprologus calvus "white"

Bird Feather:

Bridge over lower reach of Spring Creek (fish eye lens}
[inappropriate picture]