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#1 Guest_fishyguy_*

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Posted 23 November 2007 - 02:22 AM

Hello all My name is Brandon and I just discovered this forum. I currently have several tanks with cichlids from africa but really would like to learn about and set up a native tank. hope to learn from all here. thanks.

#2 Guest_fishlvr_*

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Posted 23 November 2007 - 08:52 AM

Hello all My name is Brandon and I just discovered this forum. I currently have several tanks with cichlids from africa but really would like to learn about and set up a native tank. hope to learn from all here. thanks.

Welcome to the forum!

What kind of fish are you wanting and what size tank do you have?


#3 Guest_fishyguy_*

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Posted 23 November 2007 - 12:30 PM

thanks I am not 100% sure what fish but I love the rainbow darters I have seen also like pygmy sunfish. I dont know if I have either of those species in my area If I dont then I might go with something else because I think it would be cool to catch them myself.

#4 Michael Wolfe

Michael Wolfe
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Posted 23 November 2007 - 01:36 PM

Welcome fishyguy... you are more correct that you know... being able to get out in the stream and catch your own adds immeasurably to the overall experience... and teaches you so much that is valuable to keeping the fish healthy...

Get a Peterson's Field Guide and find out what is in your area...

An oh... fill out your profile so we know where you are from, there are a lot of folks here on the forum that can help you out if we know your river drainage.

thanks I am not 100% sure what fish but I love the rainbow darters I have seen also like pygmy sunfish. I dont know if I have either of those species in my area If I dont then I might go with something else because I think it would be cool to catch them myself.

Either write something worth reading or do something worth writing. - Benjamin Franklin

#5 Guest_tglassburner_*

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Posted 23 November 2007 - 02:13 PM

Hello all My name is Brandon and I just discovered this forum. I currently have several tanks with cichlids from africa but really would like to learn about and set up a native tank. hope to learn from all here. thanks.

Posted Image
Posted Image

Welcome to the forum.

#6 Guest_fishyguy_*

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Posted 23 November 2007 - 02:54 PM

thanks I updated my location. I forgot to add before the tanks I have are 36 inch 30 gallons and a couple 55's not sure witch size I will go with yet probably start out with one of the 30's. I live really close to a lake witch I found out is fed by the saline river now I just need to find some info on what species of fish live there.

#7 Guest_natureman187_*

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Posted 23 November 2007 - 07:58 PM

yay another from IL 8)

#8 Guest_bullhead_*

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Posted 23 November 2007 - 09:16 PM

thanks I updated my location. ... I live really close to a lake witch I found out is fed by the saline river now I just need to find some info on what species of fish live there.

Hey there! My wife's family all came from around you. Harrisburg, El Dorado, Pittsburg, Carterville, etc. I never have collected around there though, other than by hook and line.

#9 Guest_fishyguy_*

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Posted 24 November 2007 - 07:05 PM

hey does anyone from Illinois know what type of permits I need to collect fish as well as any other laws that pertain to collecting? do you just need a regular fishing license? any help or links would be great. thanks for the warm welcome I had no idea there was such a large friendly community filled with people who love fish as much as me. :D

#10 Guest_fishlvr_*

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Posted 24 November 2007 - 07:22 PM

hey does anyone from Illinois know what type of permits I need to collect fish as well as any other laws that pertain to collecting? do you just need a regular fishing license? any help or links would be great. thanks for the warm welcome I had no idea there was such a large friendly community filled with people who love fish as much as me. :D

Depends. If you want game fish, then yes, a fishing license will suffice, but if your looking for baitfish(non-game), then you may need a bait collection/dealers license.

#11 Guest_Skipjack_*

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Posted 24 November 2007 - 11:13 PM

hey does anyone from Illinois know what type of permits I need to collect fish as well as any other laws that pertain to collecting? do you just need a regular fishing license? any help or links would be great. thanks for the warm welcome I had no idea there was such a large friendly community filled with people who love fish as much as me. :D

I believe Teleost will help you most here. He has reviewed the laws a great deal. Though you really have to read them yourself, and familiarize yourself with them. This forum is not intended to interpret laws.

#12 Guest_FishandFire_*

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Posted 24 November 2007 - 11:32 PM

Here is a link to Illinois regs. 75 pages so it may take a while to open. Read through this and you should get all your answers. I only keep "baitfish" in the home, so from my understanding of this I can collect these with the proper size seine or dipnet with only having a fishing license. If anyone knows differently, please let me know.


#13 Guest_teleost_*

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Posted 26 November 2007 - 12:37 PM

I'm the official Illinois party pooper! Unfortunately Illinois went the extra mile and legally defined "bait" as family Cyprinidae (+shad, alewife and crayfish). This makes capturing anything other than this family illegal in the state of Illinois with seines. No sucker, darters or anything other than "minnows". For some odd reason the law also states common carp, goldfish, bighead, black, silver and grass carp (all introduced) are excluded from this family. I guess this means you can't take them with seines. Another odd regulation...."Sec. 10‑140. Dip nets. Any individual possessing a valid sport fishing license may use a dip net to take carp, buffalo, carpsuckers, or shad for personal consumption."

You can take darters and other non-sport fish with hook and line it seems. I'd suggest a road trip to Indiana since they are much more open to our style of fish keeping.

#14 Guest_fishyguy_*

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Posted 26 November 2007 - 03:24 PM

well I figured that would be the case. it seems the great state of Illinois has nothing better to do than think up ways to restrict outdoor activities(experienced similar frustration with pointing dog training). So I guess I will have to find someone who can send me some fish. thanks for the info.

#15 Guest_Irate Mormon_*

Guest_Irate Mormon_*
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Posted 26 November 2007 - 10:12 PM

Huh? There are laws telling you how you can train your dog? Do tell...

#16 Guest_fishyguy_*

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Posted 26 November 2007 - 10:56 PM

well not how you can train your dog but when and where. you can only train during the training season witch if I remember correctly is only a month or two before hunting season and a month after. you can only train in a designated training area witch has to be at least 40 acres(I only own ten so I cant get the permit for my land) also you cannot be in possesion of gamebirds without a permit, but you can only get a permit if you have the permit number of the person you buy birds from. everyone I have found selling birds does not have a permit therfore I cant get one. that is at least how i understand the laws. I do train on my land regarless and I just use pigeons to get around the game bird part. plus I cant take my hunting breed dog on a walk thru a state park area without a short leash witch makes it hard to get the dogs in shape. lol lets just say that as soon as I am done with school I will be selling my house and moving to a different state.lol.

#17 Guest_fishyguy_*

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Posted 27 November 2007 - 04:12 AM

hey teleost,

I was looking thru some old post of your collecting trips and let me first just say wow great pics and great trips. But I was wondering when you are collecting in Illinois what method do you use to catch the fish? thanks.


#18 Guest_teleost_*

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Posted 27 November 2007 - 09:05 AM

hey teleost,

I was looking thru some old post of your collecting trips and let me first just say wow great pics and great trips. But I was wondering when you are collecting in Illinois what method do you use to catch the fish? thanks.

Welcome Brandon,

Thanks for your kind words about the photos and I'm sure we'll get in the water and sample once the weather warms up.
Not to split hairs but rather than calling it collecting in Illinois I call it sampling. I use seines (all sizes) and dipnets. Illinois allows seines up to 20' long X 6' deep which work well in pools of large streams as well as large rivers. I most often use smaller seines and dipnet if I'm alone.

#19 Guest_Irate Mormon_*

Guest_Irate Mormon_*
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Posted 27 November 2007 - 05:35 PM

Fishyguy - I recommend Mississippi. Anybody who tried to pass a law like that here would be run out of office (and out of town) quicker than a cat can lick his arse.

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