For those of you not familiar with a Walstad tank, the premise is to use a top soil substrate with pea gravel on top of that. The soil will break down the fish waste into nutrients for the plants. By doing this, you only need to do water changes every six months. You should never have to vac the substrate. To go along with this is the only equipment you should have in or on the tank is a powerhead to move water (no filtration).
Now to the good part of the story. Bought the top soil. It had been sitting outside and it was frozen. Instead of being patient enough to let it thaw, I thought I could chip it apart and crumble it up in the water. That proceeded to make soup. After having around 1.5" of dirt in the tank, you are supposed to add a few inches of water and then plant your plants. After that you are supposed to put the gravel in. Well, because I had messed with the dirt too much, I couldn't see to place the gravel without burying the plants. I did the best I could and filled the tank. Filled it too fast and enhanced the mud effect in the water. Tried adding a sponge filter and a HOB to clear it up. A week later I still could not see through the tank.
By this time my fine fishy friends in the Quad Cities are getting a great laugh at my Mississippi River bottom.
Yesterday I drained the tank and removed the plants. Surprisingly, the plants were still alive. (I wasn't sure as I had not seen them in well over a week. I added 1.5" of gravel and left if for the night. Tonight I planted the plants through the gravel with no water in the tank and VERY SLOWLY filled the tank trying not to disturb any of my wonderful mud that I now had buried under the gravel. The tank is full and I can see all the way through! It is a little cloudy, but not much more than any other new tank setup. I probably would have given up on this project if it were not for everyone laughing at me. Thanks, guys---you gave me the motivation to continue.
The fish will house my North American native freshwater fish. I have added a couple of pics.

I will keep you updated as the tank clears, fish are added, and the plants grow.