Just acquired some native flora!
#1 Guest_Newt_*
Posted 07 March 2008 - 04:24 PM
Buttercup, possibly Ranunculus abortivus.
Floating liverwort, Ricciocarpus natans.
Not sure about these....
#2 Guest_Mysteryman_*
Posted 08 March 2008 - 09:07 AM
I especially like that last one. Isn't it odd that these aren't much seen in the hobby trade?
#3 Guest_Newt_*
Posted 08 March 2008 - 11:10 AM
They seem to be growing fine so far; they're just under household fluorescents. I've divided them among a shallow-water tank (with juvenile snappers) and a deeper tank (with a lesser siren) to see if they grow better as emergents or submerged/floating. The buttercup at least is more of a marginal plant, and all of them except the liverwort were in areas that are sometimes submerged and sometimes exposed.
I'm going to show them to my friendly neighborhood botanist when I get a chance. If they are in fact all natives, and they grow well, they may be destined for a big paludarium I'm going to set up in the near future.
#4 Guest_Newt_*
Posted 11 March 2008 - 10:40 AM
Some updates from the botanist:
The buttercup is either Ranunculus sardous or R. sceleratus.
This thing is probably Sparganium americanum (American Bur Reed), but flowers or fruit are needed for definite ID.
This is Callitriche heterophylla (Twoheaded Water Starwort).
This little sucker is possibly Heteranthera limosa (Blue Mud Plantain), but he's going to show it to another botanist to see what he thinks.
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