Sugar creek, Parke county Indiana
Posted 16 October 2006 - 10:01 AM
I have a partial list of fishes we found here:
Campostoma anomalum (Central stoneroller)
Cyprinella whipplei (Steelcolored shiner)
Luxilus chrysocephalus (Striped shiner)
Notropis percobromus (Carmine shiner)
Pimephales notatus (Bluntnose minnow)
Hypentelium nigricans (Northern hog sucker)
Noturus flavus (Stonecat)
Ambloplites rupestris (Rock bass)
Lepomis megalotis (Longear sunfish)
Micropterus dolomieu (Smallmouth bass)
Etheostoma blennioides (Greenside darter)
Etheostoma caeruleum (Rainbow darter)
Etheostoma flabellare (Fantail darter)
Percina sciera (Dusky darter)
I suspect I’m missing a few fishes here. I’ll update the list as my memory improves or attendees remind me.
Please feel free to add details or any thoughts from the trip here.
Posted 17 October 2006 - 07:21 AM
Edit: I can't thank our regional representative Sajjad Lateef enough for putting this together, a great location and opportunity to make new friends.
Posted 17 October 2006 - 03:25 PM
Bill F.
Posted 17 October 2006 - 06:51 PM
Here is a link to more of the pictures from the collecting trip. Mostly scenery.
Bill F.
Bill, Thanks for getting these photos up. They look nice.
Make sure and look on page #2 of the above link for the "underwater photos". He has this really neat and inexpensive device that allows you to take pictures with your camera fully submerged in the water. I can't wait until next year to get some underwater shots with this thing.
Posted 18 October 2006 - 11:53 AM
Thanks for getting these photos up. They look nice.
Make sure and look on page #2 of the above link for the "underwater photos". He has this really neat and inexpensive device that allows you to take pictures with your camera fully submerged in the water. I can't wait until next year to get some underwater shots with this thing.
So Bill... just what is this "really neat and inexpensive device"? (Other than a Ziploc bag?)
Posted 18 October 2006 - 03:09 PM
I bought mine off of Ebay fro a company that sells new items. I had just received it the Wednesday before the trip and hadn't had a chance to use it. After using it a couple of minor problems cropped up.
1. Keeping the lense of the camera in the center of the lense of the bag.
2. Because of the camera(Canon A70) it was hard to use the zoom function. All of the other functions are easy to use. I will probably get better as I use it, naturally.
Bill F.
Posted 20 October 2006 - 03:04 AM
Hey Bill,
Is that a sauger in your tank? Did you guys catch that on your trip?
EDIT: Looking at the anal fin, I suspect it is not a sauger. What is it? Do you know what fish I'm talking about?
I think the fish you are referring to is the one that Bill calls the "Dusky Darter (Percina sciera)". Those Percina-type darters do look an awful-lot like little walleye or saugers. Bill, is it possible that it could be a Blackside Darter? I have not collected in Indiana but it looks an awful lot like the Blacksides I get here in Wisconsin.
Posted 20 October 2006 - 10:45 PM
Hey Bill,
Is that a sauger in your tank? Did you guys catch that on your trip?
EDIT: Looking at the anal fin, I suspect it is not a sauger. What is it? Do you know what fish I'm talking about?
I think the fish you are referring to is the one that Bill calls the "Dusky Darter (Percina sciera)". Those Percina-type darters do look an awful-lot like little walleye or saugers. Bill, is it possible that it could be a Blackside Darter? I have not collected in Indiana but it looks an awful lot like the Blacksides I get here in Wisconsin.
Actually I am sure Duckman was referring to the photo (under Bill's pics) of the hogsucker in the corner of the tank. Duckman is not one to mistake a darter of any kind with a sauger.

Posted 23 October 2006 - 02:13 PM
Hi Teleost...whats that shiner 2nd from the bottom of the series of photos? Its got nice coloration!
I'm pretty sure that's a steelcolored shiner. If you like it's looks you might consider a close looking and common cyprinella Spotfin shiner. Stays smaller and is well suited to the home aquaria.
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