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Float Islands

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#21 Guest_mander_*

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Posted 06 August 2008 - 08:45 PM

No, no stitches, but it was one of those once in a life time experiences -- we hope! Thank you for your concern.

It all started with me cleaning out the tool shed. I swear, cleaning is bad for one's health, I evade it when possible, nothing good ever comes of it :biggrin: Anyway, I came across an old terracotta planter in the shape of an otter. I thought, oh, now wouldn't that be so cute if it was floating about the pond? I tried it with fundoodles first and it was cute, but it didn't float well enough to add plants because it was too difficult to cram the fundoodles into all the nook and crannies. I decided this was my excuse to try foam again. Still hadn't gotten the black pond foam, so I went and got the insulation foam.

I was a little concerned that the foam might over expand and crack the pot. I was so concerned about the pot, I forgot about the cat and I didn't make sure she was inside while I was doing the foam work. Not wanting to waste the contains of the can, I had several items to fill and fill them, I did. As in too much. That's when I remembered, I forgot to put down newspapers. I went to go snag some newspaper and a little soap to clean off the outside table, I swear, I was gone less than ten seconds, I came back, and had a cat that needed shaving.

So, remember to keep your pets away!
don't over fill bottles - 1/2 to 2/3 rds is plenty, it'll expand the rest of the way.
New foam will stick to old foam just fine, so if you are of a mind to, the layer idea works fine.
Sand casting works well, too.
Be sure to wear gloves and long sleeves, unless you want to get shaved!
Dish soap will remove expanding foam from glass IF you get to it immediately. Not, if you don't.
I think next time, I'm going to be like a pilot and have a check list to check PRIOR to squeezing the foam button. My memory isn't what it use to be.

Oh, and the terracotta otter looks great floating! I still need to plant it though.

#22 Guest_Irate Mormon_*

Guest_Irate Mormon_*
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Posted 07 August 2008 - 11:14 PM

My cat is gonna pay a house call...

#23 Guest_mander_*

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Posted 08 August 2008 - 08:32 AM

My cat is gonna pay a house call...

Hmmm... I wonder how much people will pay to have their cat foamed? :biggrin: :rolleyes:

#24 Guest_mander_*

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Posted 22 August 2008 - 12:59 PM

Oh, and the terracotta otter looks great floating! I still need to plant it though.

Replying to myself... is that a sign of madness? Maybe I should check myself in somewhere.

Anyway.... The floating terracotta otter did indeed look fabulous once planted and it even floated very nicely. Until that mysterious orange glowing orb appeared in the sky again, and the foam shrank away from the pot and it sank. Well, at least I can pull out the foam and replant it with ferns.

So, thus far, the only thing close to being satisfactory has been the fundoodles.

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