Conference Field Trips
Posted 09 July 2008 - 02:50 PM
1. Guided Buffalo Fishing Trip on the banks of Lake Athens- Lake Athens is well know for having some of the biggest smallmouth buffalo in the region. Now if buffalo is not your favorite fish you still could land a huge catfish, and who knows maybe a new record largemouth bass! So if anyone would like to try their luck, a guided fishing trip will be offered. You will need to bring your own gear and would have to purchase a fishing licenses for a day. This trip will last all morning and into the afternoon, so don't worry about getting here early. When you check in at the center on Thursday or Friday all the information will be provided, but if you can’t wait that long please feel free to email me and I will let you know all the details.
2. Management Shocking Demonstrations- Dr. Richard Ott from the fisheries management offices in Tyler, TX will be demonstrating how Texas Parks and Wildlife use shocking boats to determine fish populations. He will be doing some demonstrations close to shore for people to observe. Then if possible people will be able to go out with Dr. Ott and his team and do some shocking around Lake Athens. Largemouth Bass, Catfish, Shad, mulitple species of Sunfish, and Bowfin should be netted up frequently on this trip. The shocking demonstrations will start at 9:00 a.m. at the Lake Athens Marina and will continue until lunch.
3. Collecting at the Gus Engeling Wildlife Managment Area- Gus Engeling Wildlife Management Area (GEWMA) is located in northwest Anderson County, about 45 miles southwest of the center. This 10,958 acre area was purchased from 1950 to 1960 under the Pittman-Robertson Act using Federal Aid in Wildlife Restoration Program funds. The (GEWMA)'s primary purpose is to function as a wildlife management, research and demonstration area for the Post Oak Savannah Ecoregion. The area is comprised of 2,000 acres of hardwood bottomland floodplain and almost 500 acres of natural watercourse, 350 acres of wetlands: marshes and swamps and nearly 300 acres of sphagnum moss bogs. There is a very diverse population of fish that include red shiners, blacktail shiners, pallid shiners, shoal chub, bullhead minnow, pirate perch, silversides, topminnows, darters, logperch, and many more.
4. Collecting in a East Texas Streams- About 20 minutes away from the center is a “secret” stream that the center has used for collecting for our exhibits. It is still in the Post Oak Savannah, but could see some of the pineywoods species as well. Logperch and pirate perch both have appeared there in abundance several times. Various topminnow, bullhead catfish, and a variety of darters have also been collected from the site as well.
Fishing licenses will not be required for people who register before September 1st. I tried to get a collecting permit that would umbrella everyone at the conference, however the permit requires any person who would be collecting to have their name on the permit. So for this reason anyone wanting to collect but registers after September 1st will be required to buy a fishing licenses, and they will be available to buy at the fisheries center. Each of the collecting field trips will leave from TFFC at 7:00 a.m., and returning by 2:00 p.m. TFFC will have some space available to hold the collected fish until people leave on Sunday, but space will be some what limited. So bring your gear, sack lunch, and nice clothes and let the collecting begin!
There will be a collecting trip on Sunday. As of right now we are still in the process of trying to get all the details worked out. So don’t threat, and stayed tuned for more info. If you have any question about the feild trip or the conference in general please feel free to contact me either by email or by phone.
Posted 15 July 2008 - 10:43 AM
And he is going to have plenty of Texas BBQ, chili and cobbler on our friday and saturday night plates.
This will be my first fly in to a convention. Leaving my well equiped van at home. I hope to get a cheap air ticket from Chattanooga and fly directly into Dallas. Arrive wed or thur and participate in the Dallas aquarium tour that was offered on our forum a few months back. I'm hoping some kind of shuttle service can get me to the Athens area and the Inn on the Hill. Perhaps go in with a couple fishheads for a car rental. Anyone interested?
I plan to stay over sunday night so i can do another field trip sunday, thus will leave monday.
Ive always regreted not attending the Michigan conference and dont want to miss this one. A new state, new fishes and a new culture.
Chattanooga, near the TN Divide on BlueFishRidge overlooking South Chickamauga Creek.
Posted 15 July 2008 - 02:35 PM
Casper,Wayne is doing an excellent job organizing this convention and giving us plenty of options. I wanna catch and cook one of those Buffalos streamside! Charcoal, grill, aluminum foil... a sharp knife and moxi seasoning.
And he is going to have plenty of Texas BBQ, chili and cobbler on our friday and saturday night plates.
This will be my first fly in to a convention. Leaving my well equiped van at home. I hope to get a cheap air ticket from Chattanooga and fly directly into Dallas. Arrive wed or thur and participate in the Dallas aquarium tour that was offered on our forum a few months back. I'm hoping some kind of shuttle service can get me to the Athens area and the Inn on the Hill. Perhaps go in with a couple fishheads for a car rental. Anyone interested?
I plan to stay over sunday night so i can do another field trip sunday, thus will leave monday.
Ive always regreted not attending the Michigan conference and dont want to miss this one. A new state, new fishes and a new culture.
I will have a car if you need a ride. I will get in around 12:19 or so on Thursday. I am also flying out on Monday so maybe we can spend a little extra time out on Sunday. I probably won't bring the fishing gear, but I am planning on the wetsuit, snorkle and camera and such.
Senior Aquarist, Special Exhibits, Fishes Department
John G. Shedd Aquarium
Chicago IL
Posted 16 July 2008 - 02:57 PM
I will have a car if you need a ride. I will get in around 12:19 or so on Thursday. I am also flying out on Monday so maybe we can spend a little extra time out on Sunday. I probably won't bring the fishing gear, but I am planning on the wetsuit, snorkle and camera and such.
Thanks JD. It sounds like your times are the flight times i desire as well. I'm working out the details during the next couple weeks, so hope to have my ticket and times established fairly soon. It can be challenging to sync but maybe we can do it.
I'm also trying to get a buddy to attend, and he has not since back in 98 so is long overdue.
I'm still wondering what is the best website to study for airline pricing. Captain Kirk's? How about that little smurf at travelocity.com?
When is your departure monday?
Chattanooga, near the TN Divide on BlueFishRidge overlooking South Chickamauga Creek.
Posted 16 July 2008 - 04:56 PM
Don't really know which is the best way for tickets as I have to use United due to work paying. My departure time on Monday is 12:43 pm so as not to have to rush around in the morning as I am not really the early morning type.

Senior Aquarist, Special Exhibits, Fishes Department
John G. Shedd Aquarium
Chicago IL
Posted 24 July 2008 - 04:47 PM
There will be four different feild trips this year. They will appeal to both the fisherman and the collector.
1. Guided Buffalo Fishing Trip on the banks of Lake Athens-
2. Management Shocking Demonstrations-
3. Collecting at the Gus Engeling Wildlife Managment Area-
4. Collecting in a East Texas Streams-
There will be a collecting trip on Sunday. As of right now we are still in the process of trying to get all the details worked out.
Will the field trips (1. thru 4. above) occur on Friday with an additional one one Sunday meaning we will have to decide which one of the four we will attend Friday?
Posted 25 July 2008 - 07:45 AM
Will the field trips (1. thru 4. above) occur on Friday with an additional one one Sunday meaning we will have to decide which one of the four we will attend Friday?
This is typically the way the field trips are run. Many times, the alternate day will repeat some of the trips so that you can make more than 1.
Dustin Smith
At the convergence of the Broad, Saluda and Congaree
Lexington, SC
Posted 25 July 2008 - 08:17 AM
I'm leaning toward the shocking demo on Friday and a collecting trip on Sunday.
This should be an exceptional convention (my first) and I'm looking forward to it!
Posted 01 August 2008 - 08:12 PM
3. Collecting at the Gus Engeling Wildlife Managment Area- Gus Engeling Wildlife Management Area (GEWMA) is located in northwest Anderson County, about 45 miles southwest of the center. This 10,958 acre area was purchased from 1950 to 1960 under the Pittman-Robertson Act using Federal Aid in Wildlife Restoration Program funds. The (GEWMA)'s primary purpose is to function as a wildlife management, research and demonstration area for the Post Oak Savannah Ecoregion. The area is comprised of 2,000 acres of hardwood bottomland floodplain and almost 500 acres of natural watercourse, 350 acres of wetlands: marshes and swamps and nearly 300 acres of sphagnum moss bogs. There is a very diverse population of fish that include red shiners, blacktail shiners, pallid shiners, shoal chub, bullhead minnow, pirate perch, silversides, topminnows, darters, logperch, and many more.
4. Collecting in a East Texas Streams- About 20 minutes away from the center is a “secret” stream that the center has used for collecting for our exhibits. It is still in the Post Oak Savannah, but could see some of the pineywoods species as well. Logperch and pirate perch both have appeared there in abundance several times. Various topminnow, bullhead catfish, and a variety of darters have also been collected from the site as well.
Fishing licenses will not be required for people who register before September 1st. I tried to get a collecting permit that would umbrella everyone at the conference, however the permit requires any person who would be collecting to have their name on the permit. So for this reason anyone wanting to collect but registers after September 1st will be required to buy a fishing licenses, and they will be available to buy at the fisheries center. Each of the collecting field trips will leave from TFFC at 7:00 a.m., and returning by 2:00 p.m. TFFC will have some space available to hold the collected fish until people leave on Sunday, but space will be some what limited. So bring your gear, sack lunch, and nice clothes and let the collecting begin!
Would it be possible to get a list of the possible species at these sites? As time permits I know you must be busy and I'm coming no matter what's there anyway.
Mohawk-Hudson Watershed
Schenectady NY
Posted 02 August 2008 - 10:28 AM

Posted 03 August 2008 - 08:52 PM
Maybe I could buy the beer??
OBVIOUSLY never been to a NANFA convention. You have to build up to that, see, maybe by supplying beer for a Catfish Alliance collecting trip. Not the cheap stuff either - we drink Milwaukee's Best!
Now, if you see that you are able to afford a C/A outing, THEN you may consider buying beer for a NANFA convention - just multiply your previous expenses by about 40 or so.
-The member currently known as Irate Mormon
Posted 03 August 2008 - 10:08 PM
Posted 04 August 2008 - 10:46 PM
He wants you to buy the beer.
Looks like the C/A won't be inducting a new member after all

-The member currently known as Irate Mormon
Posted 05 August 2008 - 01:54 AM
OBVIOUSLY never been to a NANFA convention. You have to build up to that, see, maybe by supplying beer for a Catfish Alliance collecting trip. Not the cheap stuff either - we drink Milwaukee's Best!
Tell you what Irate. I will spare us of the subpar beer, and pay a little more for Keystone!

I understand I will have to fufill my requirement to first bring beer to the Catfish Alliance before god-forbid bringing it to the Convention!

Posted 05 August 2008 - 10:37 PM
Keystone - we don't have that in Mississippi. If Mississippians don't drink it, then it must be some of that high dollar Yankee brew.
-The member currently known as Irate Mormon
Posted 05 August 2008 - 11:04 PM
Like Pabst?Keystone - we don't have that in Mississippi. If Mississippians don't drink it, then it must be some of that high dollar Yankee brew.
Posted 06 August 2008 - 07:54 PM
Irate, post on the South trip page when you all are planning another trip. I will try my hardest to make it there.
Edited by NativeLover, 06 August 2008 - 07:55 PM.
Posted 08 August 2008 - 10:42 PM
Well, I REALLY want to do another Tishomingo trip this Fall. Maybe Bruce will join us this time!Irate, post on the South trip page when you all are planning another trip. I will try my hardest to make it there.
-The member currently known as Irate Mormon