Whole tank shot. The background is Great Stuff with silicon and sand/gravel. I am still waiting for the plants to grow in a little.

Here is a shot looking longways down the tank.

All the plumbing is behind the background and I used to have the Maxi-jet modifier thing but the propeller cracked and it doesn’t move the water little it used to so I currently have just a regular powerhead going.

And the fishy inhabitants.
I have 2 of these which I think and hope are young Northern Longears (agree?).

I also have a Logperch who I didn’t know how much I would like in the tank but he settled under some driftwood and watches me until feeding time and now I love the thing (but how can you go wrogn with any darter anyways?).

Redside Dace, Blacknose Dace, Fathead Minnow and Bluntnose Minnow.

Bluntnose Minnow, Fathead Minnows, Blacknose Dace, Blackside Darter and either a Sand Shiner or a doubtful Mimic Shiner.

I have also now decided I need a bigger thank to keep all the fish species I would like.
A list of current inhabitants are:
Bluntnose Minnow – 1
Fathead Minnow – 3
Blacknose Dace – 2
Redside Dace – 4
Rosyface Shiner (or Silver) – 1
Sand Shiner (or Mimic) – 2
Silverjaw Minnow – 3
Longear Sunfish – 2
Greenside Darter – 3
Logperch – 1
Rainbow Darter – 3
Fantail Darter – 1
Johnny Darter – 5
Blackside Darter – 4