Complete List Of Auction Items For This Year
Posted 23 September 2008 - 03:57 PM
Auction Items
1. Fishing Back Pack
a. Donated by: Bass Pro Shops
2. Fishing Back Pack
a. Donated by: Bass Pro Shops
3. Frabill 12 foot seine
a. Donated by: Bass Pro Shops
4. Frabill 20 foot seine
a. Donated by: Bass Pro Shops
5. Frabill Areated Live Bait Cooler
a. Donated by: Bass Pro Shops
6. World Wide Sportsman Fishing Shirt (XL)
a. Donated by: Bass Pro Shops
7. Shakespeare Fishing Combo
a. Donated by: Shakespeare
8. Shakespeare Fishing Combo
a. Donated by: Shakespeare
9. Angler’s Tool / LED Headlamp / Shirt Combo
a. Donated by: Bass Pro Shops
10. Collecting Combo: Dip net / Umbrella Net / Shirt
a. Donated by: Bass Pro Shops
11. Pfludger Trion GX-7 spinning reel / Cap light / Shirt Combo
a. Donated by: Bass Pro Shops
12. Save the Snail Darter shirt
a. Donated by: Christopher Scharpf
13. 6 Tank Rasied Mountain Redbelly Dance Juveniles / Copy of Tropical Fish Hobbyist
a. Donated by: Sachs Systems Aquaculture
14. 6 Tank Raised Rainbow Shiners Juveniles / Copy of Tropical Fish Hobbyist
a. Donated by: Sachs Systems Aquaculture
15. Fish Conservation Book / Paddlefish pin / Wooden Fish Box / Shirt combo
a. Donated by: Gene Helfman & Christopher Scharph
16. Arkansas Combo: Fishes of Arkansas book & Crayfish of Arkansas poster
a. Donated by: Michael Lucas
17. Fishes of Missouri book / Shirt combo
a. Donated by: Michael Lucas
18. Freshwater Fishes of North Carolina book / Shirt Combo
a. Donated by: Michael Lucas
19. Parasites of North American Fish
a. Donated by: Michael Lucas
20 – 24 $100.00 Gift Certificates to Aquatic Eco-Systems
a. Donated by: Aquatic Eco-Systems
Posted 23 September 2008 - 06:29 PM
I'm bringing along a book NANFA forum member Goldsborough donated about commercial fishing. Also a "Field Guide to the Fishes of the Conasauga River", a South Chickamauga Creek T-Shirt, and a few more goodies... if i can pass security.
And we have a special announcement at the BBQ banquet for all attendies.

Chattanooga, near the TN Divide on BlueFishRidge overlooking South Chickamauga Creek.
Posted 24 September 2008 - 07:13 PM
With all of these hurricanes I completely lost issue with this until a customer of mine reminded me today.
Please reply ASAP
Posted 24 September 2008 - 07:19 PM
Is it too late to make a donation?
With all of these hurricanes I completely lost issue with this until a customer of mine reminded me today.
Please reply ASAP
I meant a DONATION for the AUCTION ..............
I'd like to donate a gift certificate for a seine made to spec here at the shop.
The winner can collect anytime after the convention.
Posted 24 September 2008 - 11:36 PM
Finally finished with packing and squaring up my work commitments. Whew.
I was able to print and di-cut about 40 commenative Texas 2008 NANFA decals for attendies.
The image / file is at the shop so i cant post it til i get back. Basically a siloette of the state of Texas with the Guadelupe Bass looking out from under the NANFA lettering.
Netmaker Greg, so i can ask our auctioneer to accept bids for a custom seine, made by your crew, shipped free to the highest bidder? A seine within reason, not an insanely sized seine?

Ive got a 6 x 12 seine with double weights and floats. any more than that i would consider unreasonable and taking advantage of your kind offer.
Thanks for making the donation.
I will double check the forum for your response before the auction.
Thanks Greg

Chattanooga, near the TN Divide on BlueFishRidge overlooking South Chickamauga Creek.
Posted 25 September 2008 - 07:23 AM
I have a customer from the USFWS Columbia FRO that is heading to Athens. I asked him to print this out and ask the auctioneer to accept it.
YOU are most welcome to do the same, so long as the understanding is we are donating one seine.
The dimensions are included.
- 15x6 Pocket seine
- 3mm raschel (heavy polyester, not nylon)
- Soft Foot mudline
- Dyneema twine gripps (super strong twine 3x's strength of nylon)
- reinforced hanging edge
- floats and leads as well
- treated or untreated
Thank you
Posted 25 September 2008 - 07:51 AM
- 15x6 Pocket Seine
- 3mm heavy raschel polyester (not nylon)
- Dyneema sewn footrope and headrope
- Soft Foot Mudline
- leads and floats
- treated or untreated
I have a customer heading to the convention who is supposed to drop off the Authentic Certificate.
I contacted him via email last night but I have no idea if he left already.
I'll still donate the seine anyway. You all just figure a way to authenticate the winner.
I can PM the actual gift Certificate if you tell me where to send it.
Thank you.
Posted 25 September 2008 - 07:53 AM
we will have Andy sign and "authenicate" the donation certificate.

Chattanooga, near the TN Divide on BlueFishRidge overlooking South Chickamauga Creek.
Posted 25 September 2008 - 07:54 AM
Thanks Greg...
we will have Andy sign and "authenicate" the donation certificate.
Looks good.
thank you and conatct me if there is any problem.
Posted 25 September 2008 - 05:35 PM
He'll deliver it at the convention. I spoke with him awhile ago. He was on the Will Rogers Toll road in Okie.
He is going to look up Wayne at the convention.
I wish things had been different down here. I should would have liked to attend.
Anyway, I need to reload a few more boxes of No. 6 shot for our mosquito control program!
Hurricanes seem to breed these things in exponential proportions.
Posted 27 September 2008 - 10:50 PM
-The member currently known as Irate Mormon
Posted 29 September 2008 - 04:41 PM
Cant' remember what everyone else got but I picked up a few thingsfrom the list (see below)... and a few surprises that were not on the list... an audographed by the presenting authors copy of Fished of Texas... and some original artwork from Carey Nixon (a really nice computer generated print of a longear sunfish).
As always, my wallet was not sufficient to get everything I wanted (Fishes of NC went for a pretty nice sum if I remember correctly... and the 'bobble body' fish was just silly) but I had a real good time and our worthy cause came out on top.
Well here is a list of all of the items and the people who donated them. A BIG THANK YOU for all the NANFA folk who donated to this years auction. I think it will be a huge success.
Auction Items
14. 6 Tank Raised Rainbow Shiners Juveniles / Copy of Tropical Fish Hobbyist
a. Donated by: Sachs Systems Aquaculture
22 $100.00 Gift Certificates to Aquatic Eco-Systems
a. Donated by: Aquatic Eco-Systems
Posted 06 October 2008 - 01:56 PM
Attached Files
Chattanooga, near the TN Divide on BlueFishRidge overlooking South Chickamauga Creek.