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Anchor Worm?

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#1 Guest_CATfishTONY_*

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Posted 06 October 2008 - 05:10 PM

Does it happen in dead water more offten then not?
I had three shiners now i have one.
the other two made it to the pay lake frozen.
both had red spots and black pepper looking patches
my other shiner is now getting fin rot I think.
as time went on in this new tank my other fish
started getting red spots from the two I had removed.
we have had little to none as far as rain in my county this
summer/start of fall. there was allot of dead fish where
i get my bait and fish all if not most did perish in the small pools
after reading posts from other peep's here and other sites
i think my fish have Anchor Worm also. i was unable to stop
this from growing, now all 10 fish have it or it aged.please
remember i'm new at keeping them ALIVE for more then a week or so.
it just bait to me.
what should i do from here?the tank must be cycled by now or the crop would have perished
i did as all said and changed water from tank every other day
@ the rate of 20 gallons each time. plus added all of the stuff
as in salt bio bust and water conditioner.
Tomorrow pimafix fish will be removed from tank and
will be picked out with twezers. Formalin will be put in the tank to
treat it like I read on the internet. Potassium Permnaganate also.
Is the water column dirty? Do I need to clean plants, gravel and
everything in tank? If so how?
Is anyone else having the same trouble?
Because in my opinion keeping the bait fish alive because I like it
has gotten costly.
But I must admit...the one female longear greets me every morning
and jumps out of water to get her food out of my hand...she's a PIG!

#2 Guest_teleost_*

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Posted 06 October 2008 - 09:05 PM

I've found anchor worm (Lernea) in both streams and river backwaters. I see them more often in sluggish backwaters though. I don't have a whole lot of experience in lakes so I can't provide any input there.

I've put fish in quarantine for a few weeks then into a main tank to later find anchor worm. I've noticed that salt concentrations above 1.5 TBS per 5 gallons seems to stop females from developing but they managed to spread to other fish at this salinity. Once the salt level was dropped, quite a few females appeared pretty quickly. Just one guys experience and your mileage may vary.

I was forced to use Dimilin which was incredibly effective. Dimilin will effect their molting and therefore should not be used with any invertebrates you want to live. It's a rather complicated application and with any medications, package directions should be strictly observed.

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