Posted 19 November 2006 - 01:23 AM
Posted 06 December 2007 - 12:16 AM
I'm in North East Oklahoma and can say that the people from the (previously called OKCAA) Oklahoma Aquarium Association are good people with a lot of knowledge and experience! While I'm not a member I have attended one or two of their Tulsa Meetings and look forward to further activities!
Posted 18 December 2007 - 04:06 PM
While I might have done some time in California, I present the following facts:
1)My last name is Dixon...like as in "South of the Mason-Dixon line is called Dixie"
2)There was a live shotgun present at my wedding. It was carried by my Wife's Son....
3)Oklahoma was a dry state for a long time...My family has a history of runnin' shine and out of state whiskey.
4)I built a still for my high school science project.
5)I am not offended by a few "stars and bars"
6)Here's me defending my fish a few years back...

Posted 18 December 2007 - 10:17 PM
This makes a lot of sense, but isn't practical:
How about the Forest Service Regions:
How about by Water Sheds?
What is the proper way to bring up possibly "re-ordering" Oklahoma's region as a formal point of discussion within the club?
PS-Why is WV both South and West?
Posted 18 December 2007 - 11:03 PM
The overall goal was to limit the number of forums. In none of your linked maps was the US broken into 4 sections. This is just the way we did it. We are also missing Mexico now that I think of it....
Posted 19 December 2007 - 12:42 AM
One of the major "needs" of people joining these types of organizations is member interaction. In our case, it is even more so since you can learn so much by getting in the water with people.
This was originally not the "Official Home of NANFA". It was a forum started by a group of guys who liked to get in the water across the country. We felt this section would be important in getting people together. It also helps those that travel to find people in different areas.
As you can see, the West is lightly used. The South and Mid-West have been the most active with having meetings and collecting trips with more planned for next year.
You aren't forced to stay within your "region". Ed for example interacts more with the Mid-West folks than the East folks.
This is also the area where we would like the NANFA Representatives to post their events. For example, I will be posting an event for the Washington DC Metro area folks sometime soon. Once again, you have me thinking and realize there is no D.C.
Posted 19 December 2007 - 04:00 AM
"Use this Forum to organize outings and find new seining partners in..."
OK...I dig it. Why not condense it all into one forum? I mean, outing are outings, and I'm sure people are willing to travel...That way we all know what is going on across the club and not just in our "region".
Is there so much activity that it warrants the multiple forums (fori?) or would it not be too unwieldy to handle in one forum?
Posted 19 December 2007 - 12:09 PM
"Use this Forum to organize outings and find new seining partners in..."
One of the major "needs" of people joining these types of organizations is member interaction. In our case, it is even more so since you can learn so much by getting in the water with people.
This was originally not the "Official Home of NANFA". It was a forum started by a group of guys who liked to get in the water across the country. We felt this section would be important in getting people together. It also helps those that travel to find people in different areas.
As you can see, the West is lightly used. The South and Mid-West have been the most active with having meetings and collecting trips with more planned for next year.
You aren't forced to stay within your "region". Ed for example interacts more with the Mid-West folks than the East folks.
This is also the area where we would like the NANFA Representatives to post their events. For example, I will be posting an event for the Washington DC Metro area folks sometime soon. Once again, you have me thinking and realize there is no D.C.
There are streams in D.C.?

Posted 13 February 2008 - 03:54 PM
Non members are welcome and encouraged to attend and even bid on the auction items-however you must be a member to sell.
To NANFA "Elite"- Is anybody willing to come to a Tulsa or OKC meeting and give a short presentation on Native Fishes?
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