Posted 19 February 2009 - 04:22 AM
I HATE 'em.
About a month and a half ago I got bit by one of those little squishy orange & black ones, and today the wound still hurts if I touch it. That utterly pales in comparison to the pain of a big brown wheelbug, though. One of those got me right in the palm of my hand several years ago, and I cried like a little kid for about a half hour. I imagine that's what crucifixion must have felt like, for a nail through my hand couldn't have felt much different. I don't know why they inflict so much pain, but it's really freaky, isn't it?
Gas station lights at night tend to attract wheelbugs in great number around here, with the little suckas just swarming all over everything. They feed on the other insects also attracted by the lights. I can't even guess how many people get bit every year by them, but it has to be quite a few.
For those who don't know, wheelbugs get their name from having a peculiar armored structure growing from their central thorax which looks for all the world like half a little gear or cogwheel sticking out of them.
I've been bitten by many things over the years, but I think that the only thing that ever hurt worse than the wheelbug was the Gila Monster. They're really that bad, so watch out for them. Texas has Chagas' Disease on top of the pain, so be especially wary if in that state.
Okay, sorry about all this; back to the spider discussion...