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#1 Guest_dsaavedra_*

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Posted 13 March 2009 - 11:26 PM

my pumpkinseed has been colored up really nicely lately, and i got a few good pics and a video.

the video is awesome because it started out with me just wanting to capture the way the pumpkinseed's colors shine in the light, but then my bluegill came out of nowhere and attacked the pumpkinseed, and they got in a nice little display fight, something i've wanted to get on video for a while, but its so hard because the fights only last 10 seconds, so by the time i get the camera its over.

here are the pics:
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and here is the video. when i uploaded it to photobucket the quality of the video went down the crapper. it made it much darker and more distorted. you can hardly see the bluegill in this video, because the bluegill turns nearly black while the pumpkinseed turns bright blue. but here it is for what its worth.
maybe if i can find a better place to upload i will upload it in high quality.
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uploaded it to youtube and you can watch it in high quality, which improves it quite a bit.

Edited by dsaavedra, 13 March 2009 - 11:56 PM.

#2 Guest_scott361_*

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Posted 14 March 2009 - 03:52 PM

I'm going to have to break down and get some more sunnies.
I'm really eying some of the Central Longears, but I'd like to have Black-bandeds again.
Had some for years and really liked 'em, but I lost my last one a few months ago.
I can't seem to find any for sale reasonably.

Nice photos and great video.
What camcorder are you using?
Is it an HD? If so, what program do you use to edit it and how long does it take you?
I just bought one and was curious what yours is.
Had to buy a new computer, also, as neither of my current ones can process the editing. :rolleyes:
I didn't really want to, but it seemed best in the long run.
I'll have to see about uploading some video when I get it.
It's being built for me and I can't wait.
I've taken a few videos clips and watched them on the camera.
Wow! I'm very impressed with how they came out and I can't wait to upload 'em! :cool2:


#3 Guest_dsaavedra_*

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Posted 14 March 2009 - 04:01 PM

all my pics and video are taken on a Kodak Easy Share C433.

kinda an outdated camera but its got a great macro feature which is what i use for all the fish photos, and the video setting's alright. the quality just turns to crap when i upload it on the internet.

even the high quality youtube video isn't as good as the original file on my computer. you can clearly see everything on the original file.

#4 Guest_Fish4Fun_*

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Posted 14 March 2009 - 06:43 PM

Those are great lookin fish, i love the P-Seeds, i just got a few myself and wouldnt take anything for them, I have a Easy-Share as well, and have a hard time takin decent pics, but i think its operator error, and not the camera, I do the usual guy thing and look for directions when somthing dont work, I keep hearing about that macro thing so im gonna dig out my book, and see what that is all about. Your pics look great to me, and so do the fish :smile2:

#5 Guest_BTDarters_*

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Posted 14 March 2009 - 11:46 PM

Great pics and vid, Dave! Thanks for sharing!


#6 Guest_panfisherteen_*

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Posted 15 March 2009 - 11:02 AM

I keep hearing about that macro thing so im gonna dig out my book, and see what that is all about.

The macro feature is the little flower on your basic options. Its feature is to take pictures of objects from only a foot or less away (easier to take pics of small objects up close with this feature). Simply practice using this feature on say, a coin or any other smaller object until you get use to the amount of zoom needed to get the object in good-great focus. Your darter pics are good, use the same distance and use the macro feature and they will probably be in great focus :cool2:

#7 Guest_scott361_*

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Posted 16 March 2009 - 12:16 AM

Yeah, I have a Z740 around here as well.
It was my first digital, but I rarely used the video aspects of it.
I wish that I had used it more, as it was really pretty good.
I was more into flower photos and needed someting with a far better macro for the flowers that you could barely see.
I couldn't focus small enough for those, but it was great for everything else.
Some of my earliest fish photos were with it and were actually easier, sometimes, than with my Canon.
Most of my earliest fish photos were with it and I still use it every so often.

I haven't been able to check in since yesterday.
Vista, on my laptop, crashed and I just got it up and going this evening. ](*,)
Thankfully much of the stuff was on an external hard drive, but there was still a lot of things that weren't saved.
I'm still trying to figure out what I need to transfer back to this computer.


#8 Guest_dsaavedra_*

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Posted 20 March 2009 - 07:36 PM

my pumpkinseed gets all fired up and colorful when it eats worms, and i got some real nice pictures of it this time:

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#9 Guest_dsaavedra_*

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Posted 20 March 2009 - 09:12 PM

some more good shots:

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