Just got my May 2009 issue of Tropical Fish Hobbyist magazine (TFH), and on page 112 is part 2 of Stan Sung's article, "Alternatives for the Home or Garden: The Centrarchids of North America". The article is informative and has some nice pictures to go with it. A must-read for the Centrarchid enthusiast. Additionally, several NANFA forum members are mentioned in the article. Dr. Bruce Stallsmith (fundulus), Dustin Smith (Dustin), and Brian Zimmerman (smbass) are all mentioned in the acknowledgements. Kudos, guys! One minor boo-boo in the article, though. I think that the Black Crappie (Pomoxis nigromaculatus) pictured on page 115 is actually a White Crappie (Pomoxis annularis). Not 100% sure about that, but the dorsal fin base looks too small to be a Black Crappie. Anyone else want to chime-in about that?

TFH Centrarchid Article
Started by
, Apr 05 2009 09:54 PM
1 reply to this topic
Posted 05 April 2009 - 09:54 PM
Posted 20 December 2009 - 06:34 PM
Brian, thanks for sharing this article, hopefully articles from publications like tfh and people posting on sites like Monster Fish Keepers will bring more people to natives and their conservation myself.
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