sex adds posted on NANFA FORUM
Posted 22 April 2009 - 06:59 AM
Posted 22 April 2009 - 07:02 AM
I was just thinking last night that we haven't had a spam attack for a while. We have no ability to prevent someone from "joining" the Forum and posting stupid stuff. We catch it soon after and kill it, as has happened with this bozo's post. As usual it happened pre-dawn. Welcome to the modern world...
I saw the same sort of posts on a herp forum recenty. Some modern world.
Harry Knaub
Posted 22 April 2009 - 07:23 AM
In the left column of the screen, where you see a user's name displayed alongside a message, there's a green, oblong button labeled "! REPORT". If you hit that and follow instructions a message will be sent to Moderators alerting them to a perceived problem (porn spam is certainly a problem).I got one this morning too.
I cannot find a link to report this kind of spam.
Posted 22 April 2009 - 07:27 AM

Posted 22 April 2009 - 09:33 AM
I've also taken the liberty of removing it from everyone's PM folder.
Until I can implement the fix, I've temporarily disabled the PM function for non-NANFA members. Sorry for any inconveniences.
Posted 22 April 2009 - 02:49 PM
Thanks for all your work Drew to keep this place chugging along. It probably doesn't get said enough
You're not kidding Todd!
Thanks a million Drew for keeping such a watchful eye on the forum.
In case anyone missed the PM....A spammer made it through the maze that Drew has concocted to keep such nonsense off of the forum. They then began a barrage of PM's to our members soliciting a male enhancement product (same spam you get via e-mail). There was a photo that depicted bikini clad women and a guy. All clothed, but still nothing we want on the forum.
Spammers are determined to break into every site they can, always looking for chinks in the armor of sites such as this. I'm afraid this type of attack will not go away soon so we'll always have to keep an eye out and try to be proactive. At times this will inconvenience our forum members and I feel obligated to apologize in advance for such inconveniences. We have to balance the ability to access and interact with our forum friends while keeping this a family friendly site.
Posted 22 April 2009 - 04:59 PM
Once again, on a side note, I'd like to mention how nice it would be if someone would let members know when their annual dues come due. Being locked out of PM is an annoying way of finding out I'm not a member anymore.
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