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May 30, 2009 - Vermilion River, Illinois

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#1 Guest_blakemarkwell_*

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Posted 31 May 2009 - 11:42 PM

Uland, Clayton, and I just got back from a small weekend outing at the Vermilion River. I will leave out specific locations because of some sensitive species. I was glad to meet Clayton and he was a good sport sampling the whole day with us and getting right in the dangerous riffles. ;)

I was off my game, barely tipping over twice yesterday. However, we managed to have a great time in the water and I can not wait to get out with these guys again. It turned out to be a beautiful day regardless of what the weather tried to predict. I want to thank Uland and Clayton for driving and getting out in the water with me this weekend and also to Uland for the photo help and insight.

Our first stop was somewhere I have spent many days sampling and it was nice to finally have a bag seine and a couple other guys to sample with. I am listing from memory, so please fill me in if I missed anything.

Campostoma anomalum (Central Stoneroller)
Cyprinella spiloptera (Spotfin Shiner)
Cyprinella whipplei (Steelcolor Shiner)
Hybopsis amblops (Bigeye Chub)
Luxilus chrysocephalus (Striped Shiner)
Nocomis micropogon (River Chub)
Notropis buccata (Silverjaw Minnow)
Notropis rubellus (Rosyface Shiner)
Notropis stramineus (Sand Shiner)
Phenacobius mirabilis(Suckermouth Minnow)
Pimephales notatus (Bluntnose Minnow)
Hypentelium nigricans (Northern Hogsucker)
Moxostoma erythrurum (Golden Redhorse)
Noturus flavus (Stonecat Madtom)
Noturus miurus (Brindled Madtom)
Fundulus notatus (Blackstripe Topminnow)
Lepomis megalotis (Longear Sunfish)
Micropterus dolomieu (Smallmouth Bass)
Ammocrypta pellucida (Eastern Sand Darter)
Etheostoma blennioides (Greenside Darter)
Etheostoma caeruleum (Rainbow Darter)
Etheostoma camurum (Bluebreast Darter)
Etheostoma flabellare (Fantail Darter)
Etheostoma nigrum (Johnny Darter)
Percina caprodes (Logperch Darter)
Percina sciera (Dusky Darter)

Here are some of my photos from the aforementioned location....

Notropis rubellus (Rosyface Shiner)

Etheostoma camurum (Bluebreast Darter)

Percina sciera (Dusky Darter)

We traveled a few miles south and sampled a neat little creek to check for sculpin.

Phoxinus erythrogaster(Southern Redbelly Dace)
Rhinichthys atratulus (Blacknose Dace)
Cottus bairdii (Mottled Sculpin)
Etheostoma spectabile (Orangethroat Darter)

Here are some pictures I took....

Cottus bairdii (Mottled Sculpin)

Etheostoma spectabile (Orangethroat Darter)

Then, we headed just a couple miles south to sample the Little Vermilion River, here is the list and photos from the last site. Unfortunately, we failed to find the target species.

Cyprinella whipplei (Steelcolor Shiner)
Luxilus chrystocephalus (Striped Shiner)
Lythrurus umbratilis (Redfin Shiner)
Notropis stramineus (Sand Shiner)
Pimephales notatus (Bluntnose Minnow)
Etheostoma caeruleum (Rainbow Darter)

Etheostoma caeruleum (Rainbow Darter)

I will add more to the gallery as I edit them and I am sure Uland will have his default beautiful photos to share. I look forward to getting out again soon!

Edited by blakemarkwell, 31 May 2009 - 11:43 PM.

#2 Guest_Uland_*

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Posted 01 June 2009 - 09:44 AM

Good golly Blake, I don't need to post any photos. Your pics look fantastic!
I had a great time with the gang and my body is reminding me of how much fun we had. I think we sampled for about 10 hours.
Great list from memory and mine could be faulty but I think we saw a few campostoma at the second location?
I'll get some people pics up this evening. Thanks for getting the trip together Blake and Clay it was great to meet another NANFA member. I hope we get in the water again soon.

#3 Michael Wolfe

Michael Wolfe
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  • North Georgia, Oconee River Drainage

Posted 01 June 2009 - 11:45 AM

I'll get some people pics up this evening.

All of a sudden I have a visual of people in a photo tank, smashed against the front wall by a big paddle...
Either write something worth reading or do something worth writing. - Benjamin Franklin

#4 Guest_blakemarkwell_*

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Posted 01 June 2009 - 01:41 PM

Good golly Blake, I don't need to post any photos. Your pics look fantastic!
I had a great time with the gang and my body is reminding me of how much fun we had. I think we sampled for about 10 hours.
Great list from memory and mine could be faulty but I think we saw a few campostoma at the second location?
I'll get some people pics up this evening. Thanks for getting the trip together Blake and Clay it was great to meet another NANFA member. I hope we get in the water again soon.

Thanks Uland, and man, my body is hurting too. You are right we did see stonerollers at the second location and also some longear sunfish at the third location.


#5 Guest_schambers_*

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Posted 01 June 2009 - 01:44 PM

All of a sudden I have a visual of people in a photo tank, smashed against the front wall by a big paddle...

<snork> I wonder what background works best for people?

#6 Guest_Uland_*

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Posted 01 June 2009 - 01:57 PM

All of a sudden I have a visual of people in a photo tank, smashed against the front wall by a big paddle...

You know...you might be onto something. Kids always seem to wiggle, run, dash or dart while taking the perfect photo.
I narrowly avoided losing coffee through my nose when reading your post Michael.

#7 Guest_Uland_*

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Posted 01 June 2009 - 07:21 PM

A few photos of the guys in action. It was awesome...I didn't even get in the water. They found and caught the fish then plopped them in the photo tank. Well not really but you sure can cover more water with a group of people.


I do see a couple of fish I can post that you didn't get to Blake. I'll post them once I "fix" em.

#8 Guest_farmertodd_*

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Posted 01 June 2009 - 09:27 PM

<snork> I wonder what background works best for people?

I dunno, but I sure don't want to see any NANFAns in nuptial display!

Todd "thank goodness my comps are over" Crail

#9 Guest_BTDarters_*

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Posted 02 June 2009 - 04:18 PM

Blake, Uland,

Looks like you guys had a great time! Those are great photos of the fish, and the people pics are good, too. I'm totally jealous!


#10 Guest_natureman187_*

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Posted 02 June 2009 - 06:48 PM

Great pictures Blake. I smelt hooligans. I came in right behind you guys a day later at my site there on the vermillion, but only for a flower stomp :cool:

#11 Guest_Clayton_*

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Posted 03 June 2009 - 06:23 PM

The trip was a ton of fun. I definitely slept well that night. My previous experience with seining was more like a 6x4 seine in maybe 2 feet of water. A 12' bag seine in 4' of decent current was a bit of an experience. Hopefully, I can meet up with you guys and do it again sometime.

Glad to see the photos turned out so well. It looked like you guys had it down to science.

#12 Guest_Uland_*

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Posted 03 June 2009 - 10:27 PM

I've been slacking on processing these photos but I finished one the other night. I have one other silvery thing to post once I get off my lazy rear.

Hybopsis amblops bigeye chub
Posted Image

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