killing larvae by a look alone?
Posted 12 June 2009 - 11:15 AM
Posted 23 July 2009 - 09:14 PM
We are having problem with our F2 Suwannee River coppernose bluegill larvae / fry when about 5 days post-exodus / swimmup. We must be able to handle them for the purpose of sorting. They are being reared in a 40-gal aquarium like our other broods of different origins. Only the Suwannee fishes exhibit this problem and the F1 parents exhibited the same problem last year. When handled the fry die; all of them. Water quality ruled out. Increasing salinity prior to handling does not promote survival. We have a couple thousand more fry than we need so we are systematically testing how we can reduce losses using culled animals. Culling is random. Any ideas as to what might be affecting only the Suwannee fry?
WAG - Stripers fed on a diet of only brine shrimp nauplii can be grown to post-larvae stage, but are EXTREMELY sensitive to stress (like even bumping the tank will roll over a bunch of them, and they don't recover). It is apparently due to an amino acid deficiency. Perhaps the Suwanee fish have some dietary deficiency, or it may be a contaminant issue. Just a guess.
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