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CFI Party

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#1 Guest_Casper Cox_*

Guest_Casper Cox_*
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Posted 18 June 2009 - 12:56 PM

The CFI crew ( Conservation Fisheries Inc, which should all support their wonderful Native Fish work! ) Pat and JR is having a nifty party July 11. Im going to try and make it up that way and hopefully spend the weekend snorkeling as well.
Here is CFI's website and a pic of their flyer.
Let me know if your considering attending and perhaps we can work out snorkeling options. Little Pigeon?


#2 Guest_Casper Cox_*

Guest_Casper Cox_*
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Posted 22 July 2009 - 10:09 PM

CFI gave a good party and many folks were present on a pretty day. Im sure CFI was quite happy with the turnout and i understand they hope to make this an annual event. We drank fermented honey and sampled the Shady Grove Meadery's offering in all its variety. A fella had setup his rolling smoker and grilled ribs, chicken and sausage for anyone with cash. The Hackensaw Boys played a few songs from the porch and i suspect from the attire many folks came because of them. I especially liked Salvage's handmade instrument.



Here are some links to their youtubed videos...


David Etnier's signed 2nd edition Fishes of Tennessee went for $85 and 4 of Richard Biggins' fish sculptures went for bigger bucks. I especially liked the Hogsucker and wished i took a picture of it. You can go to this link for pics and thankyou's...


The next day Bryce, Ed and i headed west to the Obed well above the ash spill on the Emory. Wartburg is a region ive visited several times and tho it was raining red dopplar hard over the watershed that morning the protective forest kept the water clear. We all had our cameras along and here are a few shots.







Ed caught a glimpse of an Olive Darter which i still have yet to see in this world. We spent a good bit of time flipping stones to no avail. Plenty of Wounded darters tho. I drifted out over a clear pool 15' deep and saw the apex predator, a Muskie, a serious fish to keep the other fish, all big and small, nerved. Redhorse were in the shallow areas and Ed thought they are Muskie meals but i bet even the bass were nervous.

I dont have my notes handy on what we additionally saw, Ed was hoping for Spotfin Chubs but none were seen. Whitetail Shiners were in color. I dont recall us making a list come to think of it. On the hike out Ed collected a hatful of Chantrells for our next morning breakfast. That evening we looked over Ed's pictures and videos and Bryce's most excellent aquascapes.[/i]

#3 Guest_farmertodd_*

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Posted 23 July 2009 - 05:10 AM



#4 Guest_CATfishTONY_*

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Posted 23 July 2009 - 05:47 AM

i second that comment.

#5 Guest_UncleWillie_*

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Posted 23 July 2009 - 06:47 AM

Very very cool, Casper. Sounds like it was a good time. Great pics!

#6 Guest_ashtonmj_*

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Posted 23 July 2009 - 07:14 PM

How many bluebreast or greenside darter jokes did Ed crack? If I had a gazetetter to stare at I could tell you where we saw my one and only olive darter. Unfortunately I'm pretty sure it was one of the most remote places there and in that preverbial "fastest, most boulder strewn, dangerous" habitat possible. We drove through several abandoned, rail removed train tunnels just to get there, but was near an active rail bridge way down in the gorge. Somewhere I'd definately like to visit again after snorkeling so many long stretches. Surprise you saw a colored tangerine this time of year in that system. They seem to mostly be the bland cream, at least in my experience. For every one colored up I'd see two dozen bland.

#7 Guest_Casper Cox_*

Guest_Casper Cox_*
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Posted 23 July 2009 - 08:19 PM

Whenever i question Ed, he always replies "Have i ever told you a lie?"
Well that day he and Bryce had me hurridly donning my gear to see those Spotfin Chubs they pointed out in trickery and deceit.
Speaking of lies... once Dave told me there were bucket loads of Olives in the Emory and i put my life in jeopardy trying to get down amongst them at Nemo. I did harvest a whole lot of fishing gear from tumbling fishermen in the deep pool below the raging boulders. I almost opened a used bait and tackel shop with the retrieved goods. Ive been back several times and Olives cant be found by a floundering fatman. Im glad im not the only one with such luck. I aint giving up neither. And by golly i did see a Muskie for the first time just a bit upstream last week.

Last year we descended into the "Turn Around" after driving through an abandoned train tunnel for a mile of pitch black. Down by the Emory and ready to ascend i came to the realization that would not be a natural event. Ed's got it on YouTube somewhere and only after the careful placement of riprap, rubble and cobble, a careful measuring of right tire to edge and left tire to boulder, a feverent prayer, high speed acceleration, white knuckles, and a precarious blowout at the precipass was there salvation, and then only after a long pigeon toe tire drive back to Chattanooga, a $69.95 re-alignment and a new tire AND wheel, more cash, was my van road worthy for other such activity.

Tangerines not in color? I ALWAYS see them in color, it dont matter when i see them. The females and youngsters lay back in the pools and are soft colored. But males are always tangerine. But ive never snorkeled on the 3rd Tuesday of December. The best Tangerines are like the Olives. You gotta get in there and hold on! That is where the Tangerine King is.

#8 Guest_BTDarters_*

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Posted 25 July 2009 - 04:41 AM

Awesome pics and report, Casper!


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