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I caught a fish!

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#1 Guest_SleepyLelouch_*

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Posted 19 June 2009 - 09:56 PM

World Record Flagfin Shiner!!


Hi I'm Sleepy Lelouch, born and raised in Louisiana between NOLA and Red Stick. I often go to the Tangipahoa River, I've found this guy's land that's there, so I jump the fence and go collecting there. Not really, it's my friend's land... I think.

I have 5 tanks, 2 are 29g's, one with a yellow bullhead as it's sole inhabitant, the other with 4 Corydoras Plaeteus (temporarily), 2 largemouth bass, 1 bullhead (so tiny I haven't been able to ID him yet) and the occasional feeder minnow that manages to escape the mouthes of the two 3/4" long bass.
One 10 gallon tank in which I have banded pygmy sunfish, pirate perch, mosquitofish, and loads of pond snails. One 2.5g with Least Killifish that spawned about 3 months ago, fry are still doing good. I actually only keep about 1g of water in the aquarium in order to grow some emersed plants in it as well. And last but not least is my 0.01g tank. I'm serious. It was made from a candle-holder and can technically be called a native tank since the only living thing in it is some Fissidens-type moss found in the Tangipahoa river on a submerged stump.

I've been into native tanks for a while, but I've just recently found NANFA due to a member that asked to keep his identity anonymous.

#2 Guest_schambers_*

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Posted 20 June 2009 - 12:32 PM

Welcome to the forum! Don't tell anybody, but I keep corydoras paleatus in one of my native tanks. I tell people they are invasive exotics. Paleatus are one of the cool water corys, so they get along nicely there.

#3 Guest_SleepyLelouch_*

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Posted 20 June 2009 - 01:27 PM

Yeah, they're nice fish for tropical tanks. But horribly invasive. ;) Unfortunately, mine are still jittery from being at the pet shop their entire lives until about 2 months ago, having to deal with the net coming down and sucking up their comrades every day. But they're gradually getting better.

Edited by SleepyLelouch, 20 June 2009 - 01:29 PM.

#4 Guest_Irate Mormon_*

Guest_Irate Mormon_*
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Posted 29 June 2009 - 10:17 PM

I've been into native tanks for a while, but I've just recently found NANFA due to a member that asked to keep his identity anonymous.

Tell Amazon Hello for me! I will see you guys Sunday.

#5 Guest_Amazon_*

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Posted 30 June 2009 - 07:45 AM

Tell Amazon Hello for me! I will see you guys Sunday.

lil to much hints Dylan! lol Oh yeah unfortunately your only going to see me Sunday because Dylan just found out that he leaves for Gulf Shores on Sunday :glare:

#6 Guest_SleepyLelouch_*

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Posted 30 June 2009 - 08:12 PM

Yeah, I leave then. But I just might be able to convince them to let me stay for the rest of the day. Just maybe. Maybe I could knock them all out with a fish to the head. :fishy:
lol jk.

Edited by SleepyLelouch, 30 June 2009 - 08:12 PM.

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