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My Fish

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#1 Guest_Burbot_*

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Posted 08 July 2009 - 11:27 PM

Here are some fish I have owned/photographed, none of which I have anymore. I know the pictures are the pits, but you get the idea...

First up, a stonecat i caught and photographed

Next my big rockbass and small rockbass

And my young N. Pike

And my Burbot:

I realize the pictures suck. I also realize that the burbot tank is NOT clean, but I needed to have him in a small tank temporarily, and that tank was kind of getting gross. Oh well, still got some pictures.

Edited by Burbot, 08 July 2009 - 11:29 PM.

#2 Guest_AndrewAcropora_*

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Posted 09 July 2009 - 12:38 AM

Awesome burbot you have there.

#3 Guest_BTDarters_*

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Posted 09 July 2009 - 02:55 AM

Nice fish!


#4 Guest_Radioguy_*

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Posted 09 July 2009 - 10:56 AM

Pretty neat to see that Burbot.

Thanks for posting.


#5 Guest_Burbot_*

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Posted 09 July 2009 - 12:31 PM

Thanks. Honestly, that burbot had more personality than any fish I have ever had. Even my oscar couldnt compare. This guy (Jhonka, as we called him) would follow me along the glass, ws active a lot during the day and more during the night. He would tear into minnows with the ferocity of a pike. Unfortunately something happened to his water and he died. I believe it got too much heat from a window, but its possible the chemicals became unbalanced too far. Really disappointing, I dont see these guys very often.

#6 Guest_Bob_*

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Posted 10 July 2009 - 01:05 PM

Yeah, thanks for posting. I have never seen a burbot before and never realized how unbelievably cool they look.

Pretty neat to see that Burbot.

Thanks for posting.


#7 Guest_Burbot_*

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Posted 10 July 2009 - 05:36 PM

another thing I am noticing only now is how cool stonecats look. Way cooler than tadpole madtoms, in my opinion. :rolleyes:
When i caught the stonecat it was a dull peachy brown colour. after a few minutes in the photo tank he turned into one good looking fish.

Edited by Burbot, 10 July 2009 - 05:37 PM.

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