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My 75 Gallon Native Tank

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#1 Guest_lozgod_*

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Posted 29 September 2009 - 10:20 PM

.....here they are.
Long Nosed Dace
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Daces again
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Java Moss on driftwood cloudy but clearing.
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Elodea, Vall Gig, Ludwiga, Java Moss, and Peter Griffin
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Dwarf Babys Tears
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Darter poking out from the driftwood
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Pingi Logsuckers (non native cold water) and Dace
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Dace again
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Good pic of the Ludwiga and a couple Pingis whizzing by
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Pingi again
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Thats a rainbow darter looking at me taking a pic of him
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Blackworms in substrate
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White Sucker (horrible pic but he is super shy, eating like a horse too, read horror stories but lucky so far.)
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Haven't managed to catch pics of the Fantail, or greenside darters as well as the red side dace.

Edited by lozgod, 29 September 2009 - 10:28 PM.

#2 Guest_jblaylock_*

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Posted 30 September 2009 - 07:04 AM

Nice tank, have a full tank shot?

I'm not sure that the one pic is a rainbow, I think it's a logperch again.

#3 Guest_lozgod_*

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Posted 30 September 2009 - 09:21 AM

Nice tank, have a full tank shot?

I'm not sure that the one pic is a rainbow, I think it's a logperch again.

I'll get one when it clears. The rainbow is looking out the tank. Look again. All you can see is his face.

#4 Guest_lozgod_*

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Posted 30 September 2009 - 01:28 PM

More Pics

Cat wanted to kill my inhabitants in my tank
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Dace Again
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Another Dace pic
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Fantail Darter
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Greenside Darter
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#5 Guest_jblaylock_*

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Posted 30 September 2009 - 02:26 PM

I'll get one when it clears. The rainbow is looking out the tank. Look again. All you can see is his face.

ah yes, I see those blue cheeks now!

#6 Guest_lozgod_*

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Posted 07 October 2009 - 06:14 PM

Few more pics. Nothing exciting. Water is clearing. When it clears I will start a thread in the pics section.Attached File  babys tears.jpg   86.23KB   0 downloads
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#7 Guest_blakemarkwell_*

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Posted 07 October 2009 - 08:19 PM

Nice looking tank, the clearing takes time and a quick water change can help. Also, I think the "longnose dace" you posted is a blackside dace, and the "fantail darter" and "greenside darter" you posted appear to be rainbow darters. Hard to tell though with the cloudiness.


#8 Guest_keepnatives_*

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Posted 08 October 2009 - 11:19 PM

The very first picture is a redside dace.

#9 Guest_lozgod_*

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Posted 09 October 2009 - 02:01 AM

Getting frustrated with the on again off again cloudiness. Did a 40% water change today. Still cloudy as heck. Being patient. Still no nitrites or nitrates detected.

DID HOWEVER!! Catch a good pic of the sucker. He is growing pretty good. Proud of that considering what I have read of other peoples experiences.
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Edited by lozgod, 09 October 2009 - 02:12 AM.

#10 Guest_smbass_*

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Posted 09 October 2009 - 06:36 AM

I agree the dace is a redside dace, Clinostomus elongatus. The sucker appears to be a white sucker and that last fish didn't look like a log perch. It might be a greenside darter... Where did you collect these? Or maybe you mentioned this and I missed it.

#11 Guest_keepnatives_*

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Posted 09 October 2009 - 01:23 PM

I agree the dace is a redside dace, Clinostomus elongatus. The sucker appears to be a white sucker and that last fish didn't look like a log perch. It might be a greenside darter... Where did you collect these? Or maybe you mentioned this and I missed it.

Posted Image I know it's a redside dace and yes the last one is a greenside darter. They came from me and aquabid as part of my convention gas fund project!

#12 Guest_nativeplanter_*

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Posted 09 October 2009 - 03:35 PM

Your cloudiness could be from a bacterial bloom. It is a common occurrance in new tanks. The bacteria explode to a level beyond what the tank can naturally carry, turning the water cloudy for a while. Then they die back and the water gets clear again. Water changes actually prolong the problem, as the population just keeps on a-growin'. If your nitrogen levels are under control, I'd let it sit for a week. It'll clear on its own, whether it's bacterial or just suspended clays.

#13 Guest_lozgod_*

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Posted 09 October 2009 - 07:01 PM

Where did you collect these? Or maybe you mentioned this and I missed it.

I burglarized someones house in NY while they were in Tampa.

My ID abilities suck but I do know what is in the tank.

Rainbow darters
Greenside Darters
Fantail Darters
1 White Sucker (obsessed with his growth)
Longnosed Dace
Redside Dace
Pingi Logsuckers

Ghost Shrimp
A couple beat up ramshorn snails the darters are eating up

Vall Gig.
Java Moss
Dwarf Babys Tears

Also I am going to AA. Ammonia Anonymous. Letting the tank run it's course. Stopping my obsession on the nitrogen cycle. Fish seem happy and healthy so I am going to take that as a sign of everything is ok.

#14 Guest_lozgod_*

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Posted 10 October 2009 - 12:35 AM

Your cloudiness could be from a bacterial bloom. It is a common occurrance in new tanks. The bacteria explode to a level beyond what the tank can naturally carry, turning the water cloudy for a while. Then they die back and the water gets clear again. Water changes actually prolong the problem, as the population just keeps on a-growin'. If your nitrogen levels are under control, I'd let it sit for a week. It'll clear on its own, whether it's bacterial or just suspended clays.

It is definitely debris. When I clean out the sponges when I do my water changes mud comes out (not literally but brown/black dirt).

Making a few temporary changes until I got a crystal clear tank and an established nitrogen cycle.

1. Removed powerhead. Want the debris in the tank to settle.

2. Added another small HOB filter. Placed powerhead sponge in it as well as a zeolite bag (see #3)

3. I have been doing large daily water changes because of the cloudiness and ammonia readings. Done with the water changes for at least a week. I am convinced that is what is halting my nitrogen cycle. Added a bag of zeolite in both HOB filters to make sure it doesn't go through the roof but they are rated for 20 gallon tanks so it should leave enough to feed the plants and to get a cycle running. Trying to find a happy medium between the health of the fish, plants, and bacteria.

4. New HOB filter has a bio-wheel. Really didn't want to go there but am at my wits end with this cycling so I sold out.

5. I am done with the obsession with testing the ammonia levels everyday. Going to stop testing ammonia and starting to test for nitrites and nitrates either EOD or E3D. I've been getting ammonia readings since day one and nothing else. I think my good intentions have been causing the problems. Giving it a break and letting nature take its course. The only reason I am breaking out the ammonia test kit is if I see signs of stress in any of the fish. Tested it tonight and got a reading of 1.0 ppm. That was with no water change. That is the lowest it has been pre-water change so it is dropping.

6. Dosed again with the bottle nitro bacterias. Had no luck with this stuff so far but there is a chance I was removing it as I added it due to water changes.

Edited by lozgod, 10 October 2009 - 12:55 AM.

#15 Guest_lozgod_*

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Posted 10 October 2009 - 05:07 AM

ok. Testing my ID skills. The rainbow is easy to pick out but the other darter would be a Fantail right?

May be too difficult to tell in the pic but if you can use deduction the only darters in the tank are listed above 2 posts back.
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#16 Guest_lozgod_*

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Posted 10 October 2009 - 05:38 AM

Couple more rainbow shots. When the tank gets clear I may buy a camera. Taking pics of the tank is becoming an addiction. lol. For me and the rainbow darters. They are starting to pose for the camera.
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#17 Guest_smbass_*

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Posted 10 October 2009 - 09:26 AM

ok. Testing my ID skills. The rainbow is easy to pick out but the other darter would be a Fantail right?

The other fish I see in these shots is a greenside darter. Fantails typically hide in caves a lot and have a very pointed snout.

#18 Guest_lozgod_*

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Posted 10 October 2009 - 10:24 PM

Covered the gravel with a thick layer of playsand. Hoping it will hold the soil down. Also that was my plan from the beginning. I've joined Farmer Todd in the freshwater deep sand bed club! Also I SWEAR THIS TIME!!!! I will not continue my nitrogen cycle obsession. Just going with the flow.
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Edited by lozgod, 10 October 2009 - 10:29 PM.

#19 Guest_lozgod_*

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Posted 11 October 2009 - 09:56 AM

looks like sand was the ticket. After 12 hours it is more clear than it's been since I set it up.

Also the fish seem to like it a lot better too.
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