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Anyone heard of Jebo brand tanks?

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#1 Guest_bearskookums_*

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Posted 06 January 2007 - 06:16 PM

I was wondering if anyone here has Jebo acrylic tanks? I am interested in the Jebo 5 gal cube and also the Jebo Odyssea 10 gal...have seen one in person so I dont know if the quality is good or not...thanks for any input.

#2 Guest_nativecajun_*

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Posted 08 January 2007 - 02:37 PM

I personaly would steer away from any brand of acrylic tank. In time the acrylic will go foggy looking and gets scratched very easily. "MHO of course". I like glass. You can get glass tanks from 2.5 gallons to as large as one could want. And I would say that I have never seen the Jebo brand. Of course I couldn't tell you the brand of any acrylic tank.

#3 Guest_nativeone_*

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Posted 09 January 2007 - 10:58 PM

the jebo tanks have not been around that long, I have the 10 gallon and its quite nice, its well made and crystal clear, I use it as a fry tank currently. they are usually priced very well also. Where did you see them at? I only ask because I have only found a couple places that carry them

#4 Guest_nativecajun_*

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Posted 10 January 2007 - 08:13 AM

Seems we have a lot of natives on this forum. I just hope they are all not as savage as me. :P Good luck with acrylics. Maybe they have gotten better. For me I will stick with the melted sand kind of stuff. I guess for raising fry and such they would serve a nich. Man I saw a 125 gallon tank yesterday and was it a beauty. Low, and wide from back to front, and nice and long. Anybody have around nine big ones they do not want I can put it to very bad use for you. The largest tank I have is my forty breeder. I Like that tank but isn't the grass always greener. If I had that 125 the next thing would be converting my back yard to a pond.

#5 Guest_Irate Mormon_*

Guest_Irate Mormon_*
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Posted 11 January 2007 - 05:05 PM

Seems we have a lot of natives on this forum. I just hope they are all not as savage as me. :P Good luck with acrylics. Maybe they have gotten better. For me I will stick with the melted sand kind of stuff. I guess for raising fry and such they would serve a nich. Man I saw a 125 gallon tank yesterday and was it a beauty. Low, and wide from back to front, and nice and long. Anybody have around nine big ones they do not want I can put it to very bad use for you. The largest tank I have is my forty breeder. I Like that tank but isn't the grass always greener. If I had that 125 the next thing would be converting my back yard to a pond.

I saw a thing on the internet where a guy converted his entire basement into a fish tank, or something like that. I don't remember where it was - maybe somebody has the link?

#6 Guest_gkimber2_*

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Posted 11 January 2007 - 07:43 PM

I saw a thing on the internet where a guy converted his entire basement into a fish tank, or something like that. I don't remember where it was - maybe somebody has the link?

here it is.


This site has an interesting DIY section.

#7 Guest_fundulus_*

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Posted 11 January 2007 - 07:54 PM

here it is.

This site has an interesting DIY section.

Hey Geoff, glad to see you here...

#8 Guest_gkimber2_*

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Posted 11 January 2007 - 08:13 PM

it's good to be here.

I am going to have a hard time getting used to new names all over again, although I do recognize you and Martin.

I finally figured out where 'irate mormon' came from. Actually, my mother figured it out. She's good with puzzles.

#9 Guest_Irate Mormon_*

Guest_Irate Mormon_*
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Posted 14 January 2007 - 02:51 PM

it's good to be here.

I am going to have a hard time getting used to new names all over again, although I do recognize you and Martin.

I finally figured out where 'irate mormon' came from. Actually, my mother figured it out. She's good with puzzles.

We can thank Jay Delong for that one! The moniker tickled my fancy so I adopted it!

#10 Guest_trix00_*

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Posted 23 January 2007 - 02:51 PM

I have a acrylic tank for over 8 months now and I have no problem with it. I also heard that they are easily scrached, but decided to give it a try since it's nicer than the glass tanks(at least to me). If you are looking for Jebo stuff, you can check out http://www.shopjebo.com.

#11 Guest_bearskookums_*

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Posted 23 January 2007 - 06:39 PM

I have a acrylic tank for over 8 months now and I have no problem with it. I also heard that they are easily scrached, but decided to give it a try since it's nicer than the glass tanks(at least to me). If you are looking for Jebo stuff, you can check out http://www.shopjebo.com.

Hey trix00 yeah the scratch easily...but after owning one for a while I learn what not to do etc....anyway the scratches are easily polished off....what I like about acrylic is the clarity of it...and the sturdyness of it...I used to live in earthquake country so I had to get an acrylic...and eversince then I stuck with acrylic...

#12 Guest_trix00_*

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Posted 31 January 2007 - 12:40 AM

Hey trix00 yeah the scratch easily...but after owning one for a while I learn what not to do etc....anyway the scratches are easily polished off....what I like about acrylic is the clarity of it...and the sturdyness of it...I used to live in earthquake country so I had to get an acrylic...and eversince then I stuck with acrylic...

I guess i'm lucky that my tank is still scratch free. So how do you polish the scratch off?

#13 Guest_bearskookums_*

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Posted 03 February 2007 - 04:52 AM

I guess i'm lucky that my tank is still scratch free. So how do you polish the scratch off?

Theres a couple of ways to remove the scratches...but as always test in a hidden area first...I usually do this on the bottom of the tank...and check for haziness etc...at first I used scratch remover for cars...its worked on some but not all...so I checked online and some people use really fine sand paper and keep going to a finer grade...but I find most use a product called Novus...a set of it comes in 3 bottles...#1 is a cleaner and #2 is for regular scratches and #3 if for heavy scratches...but when you use #3 you have to finish off with bottle #2(just like going to a finer grade sandpaper)...

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