Urgent appeal to all NANFA members
Guest_Irate Mormon_*
Posted 08 November 2009 - 07:20 PM
As you know, our quarterly publication "American Currents" is the lifeblood of our club. A lot of members pay their dues solely to receive the magazine.
It is no secret that since Chris Sharpf resigned from his position as editor (which he fulfilled for 10 years) we have had problems getting AC out on time. Without going into all the details let me say that as of today we do not have an editor for American Currents. Dustin and Fritz have agreed to collaborate on getting the next issue(s) out until we can find someone willing to take on the job.
This is no easy task. I believe Chris worked 50-60 hours per issue (this was in addition to his regular work week), and he put out a top notch publication. The bar has been set very high and for this reason a number of potential volunteers have been discouraged from attempting to follow in his footsteps. The reason I am saying all this is because the only place our next editor can come from is the NANFA membership. It will take SOMEBODY, or a number of somebodies, who are absolutely comitted to producing a quality magazine (keep in mind that libraries and universities receive American Currents) at regular intervals, with no pay and no fame whatsoever.
We have two requests:
1) If anybody is ready, willing, and able, after careful reflection on the responsibility entailed, to take on this task, you should contact Dustin or Fritz forthwith.
2) It will greatly ease the editor's burden if he/she has articles to work with. LOTS of articles. If you've never been in print before, now is your hour! I am not saying that EVERY potential article will make it into A/C - that is after all what an editor is for. But all of the articles come from NANFA members, and we need good material to work with.
I am sure others have more to add - this post is just to jumpstart the conversation. We are all volunteers and human at that; there is no blame attached to those who have struggled this past year to keep A/C on track. It is time now for the next generation of NANFAns to take the reigns. Who will step forward?
Posted 09 November 2009 - 05:51 AM
Posted 09 November 2009 - 06:02 AM
What exactly does this entail? I've never been part of producing something like this except as a writer. I'd be happy to screen submissions and edit for grammar, spelling and good writing, but I wouldn't know where to begin with photo editing and layout work. Is that what's needed?
I have much of the same ?
do we as NANFA have type setters,designers,pagelout software,a print shop to pull first color runs?
i see we use a simple saddle stich layout does our print shop have a bindery?
a editor is a big job but there a some 10-30 people involved after his job is done.
can we use past articles? someone could layout a best of the best from Chris Sharpf past work
to buy some time.
Edited by CATfishTONY, 09 November 2009 - 06:09 AM.
Posted 09 November 2009 - 09:40 AM
A ton of work, that's what!
Quick review: soliciting and editing manuscripts. Writing other content (e.g., Riffles, NANFA News). Typesetting manuscripts and adding artwork using some kind of desktop publishing software (e.g., InDesign). Organizing and shaping all materials to form an aesthetically pleasing whole -- always in multiples of four pages (e.g., 28, 36, 40), the standard printing signature. Sending high-res PDF to printer for printing.
Too much work for one person unless he or she does it full time or simply doesn't sleep. Too complex of a job for multiple people to contribute to without responsibilities and deadlines clearly demarcated and agreed upon.
If you have a Mac I can send an InDesign template, which would greatly simplify things. If you don't have a Mac, then you have lots of up-front design work, which could be a bear if you're not familiar with design, type and production.
Unless qualified candidates come forward, and quickly, it may be time to cease publication and rethink NANFA, perhaps moving to an all-electronic venue. It's where virtually every other publication and organization is heading.
Posted 09 November 2009 - 11:48 AM
Posted 09 November 2009 - 04:39 PM
What's entailed?
A ton of work, that's what!
Quick review: soliciting and editing manuscripts. Writing other content (e.g., Riffles, NANFA News). Typesetting manuscripts and adding artwork using some kind of desktop publishing software (e.g., InDesign). Organizing and shaping all materials to form an aesthetically pleasing whole -- always in multiples of four pages (e.g., 28, 36, 40), the standard printing signature. Sending high-res PDF to printer for printing.
Too much work for one person unless he or she does it full time or simply doesn't sleep. Too complex of a job for multiple people to contribute to without responsibilities and deadlines clearly demarcated and agreed upon.
If you have a Mac I can send an InDesign template, which would greatly simplify things. If you don't have a Mac, then you have lots of up-front design work, which could be a bear if you're not familiar with design, type and production.
Unless qualified candidates come forward, and quickly, it may be time to cease publication and rethink NANFA, perhaps moving to an all-electronic venue. It's where virtually every other publication and organization is heading.
I agree it is more work then most will put up with.can we pull or members together to form a team to handle each task along the way?
most print shops have some kind of (FPO) or the like to work with. there is no reason to work on hires files for the most part. as for indesign it is and was not to norm years ago when I was in the lithographic industry.
Posted 09 November 2009 - 05:24 PM
Are the InDesign templates only compatible with Mac versions? Could said demarcated responsibilites outside of the head editor include a section, i.e. NANFA news or Riffles? That seems like a logical division of labor.
The templates work with both MAC and PC versions of InDesign. Chris created them in CS3 so they are upwardly compatible with CS4.
I think your idea about about dividing responsibilities is a great one. The people writing the NANFA News and Riffles could transfer the articles electronicaly to the Editor who could drop them into the template.
Tom Watson
Posted 09 November 2009 - 06:31 PM
I agree it is more work then most will put up with.can we pull or members together to form a team to handle each task along the way?
most print shops have some kind of (FPO) or the like to work with. there is no reason to work on hires files for the most part. as for indesign it is and was not to norm years ago when I was in the lithographic industry.
Lithography is rarely used today. Most things -- including AC -- are printed digitally.
InDesign -- and the other programs of Adobe Creative Suite (e.g., Photoshop, Illustrator) are industry standards nowadays.
Posted 09 November 2009 - 06:37 PM
Posted 10 November 2009 - 07:11 PM
Posted 10 November 2009 - 08:24 PM
Posted 11 November 2009 - 08:56 AM
Guest_Irate Mormon_*
Posted 12 November 2009 - 12:47 AM
Just throwing out an idea that could potentially ease the burden on AC publication. What about making news, announcements, riffles, jobs, public notices about native fish regs, etc. an electronic publication? If the templates already exist those things could go out in a more timely matter, and could even increase in frequency to every other month.
OK, kind of like an electronic version of The Darter? Everybody liked the Darter but it was discontinued partly due to the expense and mostly because nobody was able to produce it. Speaking for myself, Riffles is my favorite part of A/C. I'd hate to see it go away, even if it was just moved to another format. But this is something the new editor will have to deal with. Eventually A/C will be shaped into what he envisions rather than a reiteration of what Chris did. Some folks will like the changes, others won't.
Posted 08 February 2010 - 01:39 PM
Brian thanks; I just recieved my first issue of A.C. friday and loved it (although I thought your story had a very sad endingI would like to volunteer my services in this regard. I have some extra time on my hands right now, and have enjoyed American Currents very much over the years. I would not like to see this publication become entirely electronic. I have a good deal of graphic design and publication experience. I may have to get a copy of InDesign, or whatever needs to be used, but, barring that, I think that I would like to "carry the torch". Can someone from the Board contact me by phone or email? My contact information is below. Thanks!

Guest_Irate Mormon_*
Posted 08 February 2010 - 10:18 PM
Posted 09 February 2010 - 10:02 AM
Yes I'd be happy to help in any way I'm able though many others are better skilled than I. I would make a great tester, if it can help me make a good ID it would help anybody!
Posted 09 February 2010 - 02:52 PM
Got my AC a couple days ago and it looks great nice job done Brian and all the others including the board to get AC back on track. I had an idea that might be nice. I know there are a number of useful fish ID resources out there but I find our forum discussions with multiple input and photos ususally does a better job. How about picking a couple or small group of similar looking species and preparing a detailed guide to pinpoint what each particular fish is. The most useful part of our forum ID threads I think is the great photos various members share which really help sorting out the tough ones. Obviously permission for the photo use would be needed. Eventually they could all be gathered together for a very handy ID guide.
I think that's a great idea! I'd love to have something like that. Especially with multiple photos for each species.
Posted 09 February 2010 - 03:22 PM
Posted 10 February 2010 - 04:44 AM
Good point!All we need is somebody to do the selling!
Posted 13 February 2010 - 04:48 AM
Got my AC a couple days ago and it looks great nice job done Brian and all the others including the board to get AC back on track. I had an idea that might be nice. I know there are a number of useful fish ID resources out there but I find our forum discussions with multiple input and photos ususally does a better job. How about picking a couple or small group of similar looking species and preparing a detailed guide to pinpoint what each particular fish is. The most useful part of our forum ID threads I think is the great photos various members share which really help sorting out the tough ones. Obviously permission for the photo use would be needed. Eventually they could all be gathered together for a very handy ID guide.
Yes I'd be happy to help in any way I'm able though many others are better skilled than I. I would make a great tester, if it can help me make a good ID it would help anybody!
That's a good idea! If someone can put a little something together and get the pictures and info to me, I'd be happy to put it in the AC. Nice idea, Mike!
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